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Emergency Purchase Requests

Pursuant to 148 C.S.R. 1-7.6, the West Virginia Purchasing Division maintains a list of all emergency procurements reported to it, including:

1.  Emergency procurements processed by agencies under their delegated authority,

2.  Non-delegated emergency procurement requests received and approved by the Purchasing Division, and

3.  Follow-up procurement documents for the aforementioned non-delegated emergency procurements, processed by the agency.

Non-delegated emergency purchase requests are approved based on the information contained in the request.  All procurements, including those contained on this page, are subject to inspection and audit.


FY2025 Reporting Period

State Agency Request Description Award Document Date
West Virginia Educational Broadcasting Agency Delegated Parts to repair off-air transmitter in Petersburg (Mount Storm). Award Document 01/21/2025
West Virginia Educational Broadcasting Agency Delegated Service call to remedy malfunctioning HVAC equipment at Weston Tower following its overheating. Award Document 01/13/2025
West Virginia Educational Broadcasting Agency Delegated Hoses for diesel-transfer tanks at microwave tower sites so generators can be fueled ahead of major storms. Award Document 01/03/2025
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Services of private-sector accounting firm for process redesign, augmentation of existing/transitioning positions, and training/educational needs as a result of the high cross-department employee turnover rate following restructuring of DHHR. In Process 01/02/2025
Governor's Office Emergency Purchase One-year subscription to software platform for county offices of DoHS and other state agencies to identify needed resources nearest to constituents' homes. In Process 12/04/2024
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Obtain professional engineering services to provide surveying, mapping, a geotechnical evaluation, stability analysis, and retaining wall design for the Borderland (Anderson) project as a result of failing highwall beside an occupied home adjacent to pre-law mine workings in the Williamson Seam last operated by the Bison Coal Company in 1948, located in Mingo County in the Southern Region of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation. In Process 12/04/2024
General Services Division Agency Delegated Parts, materials, labor, shipping, and testing to replace one (1) 7.5-horsepower and one (1) five-horsepower hot water circulation pump, Bldg. 3 (Charleston). Award Document 11/26/2024
Department of Health and Human Resources Agency Delegated Three-month rental of 370 kw generator, including delivery, installation, testing, tear down, and removal, at the John Manchin Sr. Health Care Center while the permanent generator is repaired. Award Document 11/15/2024
West Virginia Educational Broadcasting Agency Delegated Three-month contract for site-to-site interconnection circuits and Internet connectivity at agency locations in Charleston, Beaver, and Morgantown as an extension of CCT 0439 EBA2000000002. Award Document 10/28/2024
Workforce West Virginia Agency Delegated Open-end emergency contract for Amazon Connect and Cloud Assured Managed Services with AWS hosting for continuing Contact Center Operations. Award Document 10/22/2024
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Obtain professional engineering services to provide a geotechnical investigation, including exploratory drilling and data analysis, to determine whether repeated landslides on Pepper Road below known mining locations by the Alstead Coal Company on the Pittsburgh and Redstone coal seams and more recent surface mining, all prior to 1977, are causing the landslides that block public and emergency access to an unmarked rural route in Barbour County in the Northern Region of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation. In Process 10/15/2024
General Services Division Agency Delegated Parts, materials, labor, shipping, and post-installation testing for repair of failing air separator and line repair in boiler room, Bldg. 23 (Beckley). Award Document 10/09/2024
General Services Division Agency Delegated Labor, material, and equipment for excavation of exterior wall on south side of Bldg. 5 (Charleston) in order to uncover foundation leak below grade, followed by backfill and reseeding of excavated area. Award Document 09/20/2024
General Services Division Agency Delegated Prune and remove 18" fork of silver maple tree broken as a result of storm damage at South East Lawn, Bldg. 1. Award Document 09/18/2024
West Virginia Educational Broadcasting Agency Delegated Certified Public Accountant (CPA) services, outside the scope of the audit-services contract Centralized Master Agreement (CMA) 0439 EBA2400000003, to correct issues discovered during annual audits by the mandated deadlines. Award Document 09/18/2024
Adjutant General / Armory Board Agency Delegated Labor, materials, and equipment for the roof replacement of the Dunbar Armory Drill Hall. Award Document 09/16/2024
Adjutant General / Armory Board Agency Delegated Labor, materials, and equipment for the roof repair of the Eleanor CSMS Weld Shop & Garage in Red House. Award Document 09/16/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Three-month contract for a nurse practitioner (NP). In Process 09/13/2024
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Obtain professional engineering services to provide a geotechnical investigation, including exploratory drilling and data analysis, to determine whether an underground fire exists under a 600-foot area where surface temperature readings read a consistent 150 degrees, with high levels of carbon monoxide, and smoke blowing toward residences and, if so, move forward with abatement at this location where Kuhn Mine #1 existed prior to 1977 at White Hall (the Winston business) in Marion County in the Northern Region of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation. In Process 09/12/2024
Department of Health and Human Resources Agency Delegated Pre-printed QR code for Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) benefits on state eWIC plastic cards. Award Document 09/09/2024
Workforce West Virginia Agency Delegated Thirty-day contract to extend MACC system support staffing services while award for CRFQ WWV2400000009 (AMA WWV2500000001) is completed. Award Document 09/03/2024
Department of Environmental Protection Agency Delegated Obtain professional engineering and design services and resolution to drainage above Fayette Pike at the former West Virginia Institute of Technology (Montgomery) that has reached the city's streets as a result of a collapsed and draining mine portal at an elevation consistent with the Number 2 Gas Coal Seam mined by the Koppers Coal Div., Eastern Gas & Fuel Associates, prior to 1977 in the Southern Region of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation. Award Document 08/27/2024
West Virginia Enterprise Resource Planning Board Emergency Purchase One-year contract for licensing of Actian Data Connect Integration Manager software following resale vendor's inability to obtain licensing from manufacturer in accordance with CCT ERP2500000001. Award Document 08/20/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated Three dozen pepperoni rolls. Award Document 08/01/2024
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase One-year contract for 71 licenses for Tableau software platform as a result of vendor responses to CRFQ MIS2500000001 not adhering to pricing requirements in the solicitation. Award Document 07/31/2024
General Services Division Agency Delegated Purchase of three water-source heat pump compressors to create habitable conditions for replacement of failed compressors as a result of excessive summer heat, Bldg. 35 (Diamond). Award Document 07/25/2024
Department of Transportation Emergency Purchase Six-month contract for security guard services at rural site until new contract award is complete. Award Document 07/12/2024
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Obtain professional engineering services to capture mine drainage from landslide as a result of a collapsed portal at Baisden following breach of previously-reclaimed culvert system now pooling water on country road in the Southern Region of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation. In Process 07/11/2024
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Obtain professional engineering services to provide a subsurface geotechnical investigation, including exploratory drilling and data analysis, to determine whether a visible, protruding hole corresponding to a deep mine of unknown depth and condition has caused subsidence on private property in the Pittsburgh coal seam at White Hall (the Oerly residence) in Marion County in the Northern Region of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation. In Process 07/11/2024
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Obtain professional engineering services to conduct exploratory drilling and data analysis near Marmet and determine if there is a mine void, develop plan to eliminate undermining, and rebuild the citizen's (McGrew) driveway to original elevation following collapse following probable unmapped mine subsidence above the Number 2Gas seam in the Southern Region of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation. In Process 07/11/2024

FY2024 Reporting Period

State Agency Request Description Award Document Date
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Three-month contract extension for tire-collection services for the REAP Pollution Prevention Open Dump (PPOD) program's Western and Southern Districts while agency revises specifications and rebids for new contract award replacing CMA 0313 DEP2000000037 and DEP2000000038. In Process 06/28/2024
Office of Technology Agency Delegated Continuation of 07/24/2023 one-time purchase of Quickbase, Inc.'s enterprise license renewal and an essential enablement service package for Jobs and Hope Initiative following agency's internal communication failure. Award Document 06/27/2024
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase Sixty-day contract for privatized e-portal application and web services for various state agencies as a result of vendor delay and while permanent contract award process is determined. In Process 06/25/2024
Workforce West Virginia Emergency Purchase Three-month contract for MACC system support staffing services while responses to CRFQ WWV2400000009 are clarified. In Process 06/24/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated Rental of an Envella therapy bed for a patient. Award Document 06/13/2024
Department of Health and Human Resources Agency Delegated Furnish and install 6,000 sq. ft. of resilient vinyl flooring in the Dietary Department of Mildred Mitchell-Bateman Hospital following multiple citations. Award Document 06/12/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated Rental of an Envella therapy bed for a patient. Award Document 06/04/2024
Workforce West Virginia Emergency Purchase Three-month contract continuing Contact Center Operations including ticketing and service requests, backups and restoration of services, and other support and services that ensure availability for customers statewide including job seekers, employers, and claimants for unemployment insurance, as well as continuity for outbound calling as part of the governor's Work4WV program. In Process 06/03/2024
Department of Health and Human Resources Agency Delegated Six-month contract for system configuration and implementation related to WV Summer Electronic Benefit (WV-SEBT) program to allow benefit distribution to begin in compliance with federal regulations. Award Document 05/24/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated 2nd floor refrigerator repair. Award Document 05/20/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated Repair gasket in electrical room. Award Document 05/20/2024
Workforce West Virginia Agency Delegated One-month contract providing cloud-assured managed services for hosting Amazon Web Services Connect and ChatBox Virtual Assistant. Award Document 05/21/2024
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Agency Delegated Endpoint protection software subscription. Award Document 05/21/2024
Department of Health and Human Resources Agency Delegated Remediation, cleanup, and some repair following water leak at 511 Morris St., Charleston. Award Document 05/16/2024
Department of Health and Human Resources Agency Delegated Damage repair following water leak at 511 Morris St., Charleston. Award Document 05/16/2024
General Services Division Agency Delegated Repairs to electrical equipment and lighting as a result of an HVAC-related glycol leak, Bldg. 25, Parkersburg. Award Document 05/16/2024
General Services Division Agency Delegated Labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals for repairs as a result of an HVAC-related glycol leak, Bldg. 25, Parkersburg. Award Document 05/16/2024
West Virgina State Auditor's Office Emergency Purchase One-year extension of Purchasing Card services from contract CMA AUD1800000001 while the agency completes upgrades of interconnected services. Award Document 05/13/2024
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Emergency Purchase Six-month contract extending postmortem toxicological-analysis services from contract CMA 0506 2937 CME000000003.following the agency's delay in creating requisition for new contract. Award Document 05/10/2024
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Agency Delegated Replacement of window glass in two (2) state vehicles. Award Document 05/09/2024
Division of Culture & History Agency Delegated Remediate lower level of Independence Hall Museum following flooding, to include water extraction, sanitization, carpet removal, a time period running dehumidifiers and fans, and associated disposal of contaminated materials, Wheeling. Award Document 05/01/2024
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Agency Delegated Three-month contract to extend CMA EBA2300000002 for services and equipment enabling broadcasts over IP circuits while the agency completes paperwork to rebid solicitation. Award Document 05/01/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated Snake drains in soiled utility room and room 113. Award Document 04/30/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated Remote emergency stop switch, tamper proof cover, contact, block, labor, vendor travel, and miscellaneous. Award Document 04/30/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated Snake drains in utility and room 113. Award Document 04/29/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated Need ice for residents; 1st floor ice machine. Award Document 04/29/2024
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase Purchase of a UPS Mobile System after some internal components of the system failed, increasing the risk of the state not having access to its data in the Data Center if a power outage should occur In Process 03/29/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated Hauling of approximately 2,400 cubic yards of fill dirt to raise Section 2 of the Donel C. Kinnard Memorial State Veterans Cemetery, Dunbar. Award Document 03/28/2024
Fleet Management Office Emergency Purchase Two (2) used SUVs and two (2) used minivans for the Capitol Complex Motor Pool after the vendor community did not respond to the previous solicitation. In Process 03/18/2024
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase Replacement of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) batteries and fan parts with associated labor. Award Document 03/14/2024
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Obtain professional engineering services to provide a subsurface geotechnical investigation, including exploratory drilling and data analysis, to determine whether a deep mine of unknown depth and condition has caused damage to private property in the Pittsburgh coal seam above a property surface at Mount Clare (Knapp) in Harrison County in the Northern Region of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation. In Process 03/11/2024
General Services Division Agency Delegated Labor and materials for replacement of grinder pumps, float system assemblies, variable frequency drives, and repair of lids in Bldg. 36 (One Davis Square), Charleston. Award Document 03/07/2024
Office of Technology Agency Delegated Repair electronic door card readers following storm to comply with federal Medicaid security requirements. Award Document 03/06/2024
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Agency Delegated Replacement of an electrical control module to get a W16DT television transmitter back on air. Award Document 03/05/2024
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Obtain professional engineering services to provide a subsurface geotechnical investigation, including exploratory drilling and data analysis, to determine Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation eligibility of recurring subsidence from an abandoned deep mine of unknown depth and condition in the Pittsburgh coal seam below the Women's Club of Fairmont in the Northern Region of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation. In Process 02/21/2024
General Services Division Agency Delegated Storm piping repair as a result of leak, basement of Bldg. 6, Charleston. Award Document 02/20/2024
Workforce West Virginia Agency Delegated Cloud assured management services for call center as described in WWV2300000003 to prevent lapse in services while a new contract is bid and awarded. In Process 02/08/2024
Office of Technology Agency Delegated One-time purchase of ink, cleaners, and printheads for the WVOT-owned mail inserters. Award Document 02/08/2024
Office of Technology Agency Delegated Financial and auditing services for cash-flow project assisting WVOT with evaluating its financial position and financial roles and responsibilities as it relates to monitoring its financial position. Award Document 02/08/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated Heating valve generator. Award Document 02/02/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated Replace ridge cap. Award Document 02/02/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated Front door repair. Award Document 02/02/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated Check valve rebuild kit for HVAC. Award Document 02/02/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated PVC sanitary tee, couplers, clear cement, and purple primer. Award Document 02/02/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated Door repair in July. Award Document 02/02/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated Labor and materials to fix cameras. Award Document 02/02/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated Drain cleaning. Award Document 02/02/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated Repair to front door locking mechanism. Award Document 02/02/2024
Veterans Nursing Facility Agency Delegated Everest freezer power switch and shipping charge. Award Document 02/02/2024
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Agency Delegated Purchase a hitch to attach a snow plow for snow removal during the recent and upcoming snow storms. Award Document 01/19/2024
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Agency Delegated Purchase of fiber optic-related materials to repair damaged infrastructure on the Capitol Complex. Award Document 01/09/2024
Department of Transportation Emergency Purchase One-time purchase of roadway salt/sodium chloride to replenish District 9. Award Document 01/05/2024
Veterans Assistance Agency Delegated Purchase wreaths for the Donel C. Kinard Memorial State Veterans Cemetery as part of the national Wreaths Across America program. Award Document 01/05/2024
Workforce West Virginia Emergency Purchase Ninety-day contract for the purchase of banking services as a result of award delay for new contract from solicitation CRFQ WWV2400000005. In Process 01/03/2024
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Agency Delegated Cable protectors. Award Document 12/21/2023
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Agency Delegated Investigate and repair roof leaks at WVPB, 124 Industrial Park Rd., Beaver. Award Document 12/21/2023
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Agency Delegated Transmitter repair. Award Document 12/21/2023
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Three-month contract for Fiscal Employer/Agency Services. Award Document 12/15/2023
General Services Division Agency Delegated Remove hollowed pin oak tree and grind remaining stump, Capitol Complex Lot No. 8. Award Document 12/07/2023
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase One-year contract for agency accounting assistance with up to ten (10) accounting positions to prevent loss of federal funds as a result of understaffing at BPH Central Finance. In Process 12/01/2023
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase One-year contract for monthly Electronic Banking Transfer (EBT) services for transactions related to food, cash, and WIC benefits for West Virginia constituents while giving the agency time to bid and award a new contract. Award Document 11/29/2023
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Engineering-design services to abate a sudden occurrence of an underground mine fire (UMF) in the pre-1977-law Morris Fork No. 5 & 6 mines in the 5 Block Coal Seam at Belcher Hollow in Kanawha County, last mined by Union Carbide in 1973. In Process 10/27/2023
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Six-month contract for security services for guard positions the contract vendor cannot fill by October 23. In Process 10/23/2023
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Agency Delegated Services for broadcast over IP. Award Document 10/11/2023
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Agency Delegated Three-month contract to replace CCT 0439 EBA 2000000002 for site-to-site circuits and Internet connectivity. Award Document 10/11/2023
Department of Transportation Emergency Purchase Purchase of 127 heavy-duty pickup trucks. Award Document 10/05/2023
Department of Transportation Emergency Purchase Six (6) model year 2025 Mack Granite 64FR cab and chassis to replace equipment overdue for retirement. Award Document 09/27/2023
Department of Transportation Emergency Purchase Six (6) dump beds with hydraulic package, snowplows, and spreaders. Award Document 09/27/2023
Workforce West Virginia Emergency Purchase Ninety-day contract for the purchase of banking services described in solicitation CRFQ WWV2400000003 should the agency not be able to award a new contract before the current contract's October 14 expiration. Award Document 09/27/2023
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Obtain professional engineering services to provide a subsurface geotechnical investigation, including exploratory drilling and data analysis, to additional mine subsidence hole in the Pittsburgh coal seam below a property surface at Enterprise (Swiger) in Harrison County, last mined by the Consolidated Coal Company in 1927, in the Northern Region of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation. In Process 09/21/2023
General Services Division Agency Delegated Remove oak tree, grind stump, topsoil, and seed following storm damage at Kanawha Blvd. parking spot #12, Capitol Complex, Charleston. In Process 09/15/2023
General Services Division Agency Delegated Replacement of motor serving the HVAC system, Bldg. 37, Charleston. Award Document 09/14/2023
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Accounting services to correct issues discovered during annual audit. In Process 08/08/2023
Office of Technology Agency Delegated One-time purchase of Quickbase, Inc.'s enterprise license renewal and an essential enablement service package for Jobs and Hope Initiative. Award Document 07/24/2023
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Three-month contract for security services following original vendor's inability to provide coverage for Region II and Region IV in accordance with CDO 0506 HHR2300000013. Award Document 07/21/2023
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Delivery and rental of a temporary, mobile transmitter at Keyser microwave site before a FCC-mandated deadline while long-term issues are resolved with the permanent tower. Award Document 07/21/2023
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Twelve-month contract for sixty (60) Tableau software licenses. Award Document 07/11/2023

FY2023 Reporting Period

State Agency Request Description Date
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase One-year contract for additional continuation of data-transport services through Centralized Master Agreement (CMA) DATATRNSE while the agency migrates to the replacement contract, DATATRNSP23, following longstanding agency issues discovered during the transition. 06/28/2023
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Three-month contract for up to five food-service workers at the Clarksburg facility while agency attempts to create a new contract. 06/26/2023
General Services Division Emergency Purchase Relocation of high-pressure condensate-expansion tank, Bldg. 4, Charleston. 06/02/2023
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Six-month contract for professional services and related subscription services to build a job-architecture platform and compensation structure in accordance with Senate Bill 273. 05/31/2023
Division of Labor Emergency Purchase One-year contract for web-based licensing software database to ensure continuity during server migration. 05/10/2023
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Ninety-day contract for food and dairy products for the Clarksburg facility following lack of vendor responsiveness to solicitation attempts. 05/09/2023
West Virginia Department of Education Emergency Purchase Failed roof removal, area repairs, and roof replacement on the Elementary Education Building. 05/09/2023
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Three-month contract for fiscal employer/agency services as a result of the final expiration of Agency Master Agreement (AMA) BMS2200000003, keeping BMS in compliance with Medicaid policies and to maintain the state's Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP). 04/25/2023
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase One-time bulk paper order for state Print Shop as a result of statewide contract expiration for this commodity. 04/25/2023
Division of Natural Resources Emergency Purchase Emergency construction to replace four boilers at Pipestem Resort State Park's McKeever Lodge in order to prevent revenue loss from closed operations throughout the facility. 04/24/2023
Division of Highways Emergency Purchase Six-month contract for uniform rental services following disqualification of all vendors responding to CRFQ DOT2300000079. 04/21/2023
General Services Division Emergency Purchase Contractor services to stabilize structure following damage by oversized truck at front entrance, Bldg. 23, Beckley. 04/03/2023
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Three-month contract for up to five food-service workers at the Clarksburg facility. 03/23/2023
Division of Natural Resources Emergency Purchase Professional-design services related to replacement of four boilers at Pipestem Resort State Park's McKeever Lodge in order to prevent revenue loss from closed operations throughout the facility. 03/03/2023
Workforce West Virginia Emergency Purchase One-year contract to operate Contact Center Operations including ticketing and service requests, backups and restoration of services, and other support and services that ensure availability for customers statewide including job seekers, employers, and claimants for unemployment insurance, as well as continuity for outbound calling as part of the governor's Work4WV program. 03/01/2023
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase Thirty-day emergency replacement contract for the CENTREX statewide contract. 02/28/2023
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Three-month contract for Utilization Management and Prior Authorization Services to maintain continuity of services while ACT BMS2200000012 is re-bid and evaluated. 02/23/2023
Division of Highways Emergency Purchase Forty (40) 2023 Hino dump trucks with plow and spreaders following contract vendor's inability to provide in accordance with CMA DOT2300000002 for Equipment Division, Buckhannon. 02/21/2023
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Exploratory drilling, two wet seals, two bat gates, and landslide stabilization to reclaim landslide against residence below a collapse mine portal in Branchland (Ellis) in Lincoln County that has characteristics of a Stockton Coal Seam mine subsidence event in place from pre-1977 coal operators in the Southern Region of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation. 02/21/2023
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Six-month contract for the hosting, maintenance, and operation of an electronic disease-surveillance system to ensure continuity of service and reporting to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention while a replacement contract is pursued. 12/15/2022
Division of Highways Emergency Purchase Contract electrical-repair services to restore power following failure at main power feed coming into headquarters building in Huntington, District 2. 11/28/2022
Division of Highways Emergency Purchase Pre-stressed concrete box beams and accessories for Romance Bridge, Jackson County, following a lack of response to the advertised competitive solicitation for the Bridge Department, District 3. 11/21/2022
Division of Highways Emergency Purchase Following material defects in previously-delivered shipments, procure replacement 6" x 24" x 69" concrete lagging in order to stabilize already-failing embankments for the Heavy Maintenance Division, District 10. 11/18/2022
Workforce West Virginia Emergency Purchase One-year contract for fiscal and program monitoring, auditing, and updating of guides for the seven WorkForce development boards who receive Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funding from the U.S. Department of Labor in accordance with their mandates and deadlines. 11/03/2022
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Removal of loose and spalling mortar and stabilization of adjacent area with the erection of a sidewalk shed, mortar removal, and helical tie installation, Diamond Building, Charleston. 10/28/2022
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Additional three-month contract for direct-care staffing of HSW employees that current contract cannot provide while the services are being rebid. 10/18/2022
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Additional three-month contract for direct-care staffing of RN and LPN employees that current contract cannot provide. 10/13/2022
Division of Highways Emergency Purchase Following its destruction in July flooding, concrete bridge beams for replacement of Warriormine Road Bridge (McDowell County) after receipt of no bid responses, District 10. 09/30/2022
Workforce West Virginia Emergency Purchase One-time purchase of hard drives for system upgrade in order to meet federal spend deadline from 2020 Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program funds. 09/14/2022
General Services Division Emergency Purchase Three-month contract for janitorial services for DOA buildings following expiration of current contract. 09/07/2022
Division of Forestry Emergency Purchase Three (3) utility-terrain vehicles for fire suppression after product unavailability following 5/16/2022 emergency approval. 08/31/2022
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Geotechnical investigation and site reclamation for 15' wide and 20' deep Four States Road (Vandevender) Sinkhole in Marion County that has characteristics of a mine subsidence event in the Northern Region of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation. 08/29/2022
Division of Motor Vehicles Emergency Purchase Three-month contract for janitorial services for 14 offices following expiration of current contract. 08/19/2022
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Reclamation of the Ragland (Mounts) landslide in Mingo County to include cleanup and repair, wet seal and drainage structure installation, and potential temporary home relocation as a result of mine blowout originating from the National Coal Mining No. 25 mine in the Lower Cedar Grove coal seam that ceased mining in December 1977. 08/19/2022
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Mobilization/demobilization, excavation, quenching, capping, regrading, and revegetation to extinguish and manage McConnell (Whisman) actively-burning refuse fire on riverbank near home in Logan County from coal refuse and slate pile in place from various coal operators prior to 1977 for the Southern Region of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation. 08/16/2022
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase Five-year contract for hosted-mainframe services to mitigate operational risks associated with the state's current mainframe infrastructure and reduce negative impacts to state-government services to citizens. 08/12/2022
Division of Protective Services Emergency Purchase Application and software services for a statewide digital-application platform to report safety and security concerns to the West Virginia Intelligence and Fusion Center (WVIFC) as a result of national school-safety urgency. 08/11/2022
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Replacement of grounding system and FM transmitter following vandalism and lightning strike at the Garfield Street microwave site that now prevents FM broadcast in the Charleston area. 08/03/2022
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Mold remediation after its discovery in ductwork, posing a health and safety issue for employees, Bldg. 1 (Main Capitol). 08/01/2022
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Additional three-month contract for direct-care staffing of HSW employees. 07/25/2022
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Additional three-month contract for direct-care staffing of RN and LPN employees. 07/25/2022
Adjutant General / Armory Board Emergency Purchase Roof repair or replacement as a result of wind damage that significantly impacted wind fasteners, roofing membrane, and exposed decking, allowing water to enter the BII Building, Point Pleasant. 07/21/2022
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Repair of guy wires supporting the Bethany microwave tower and its safety climbing structure. 07/20/2022
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Three-month contract for janitorial services following expiration of current contract, Diamond Building and Garage, Charleston. 07/20/2022
Division of Highways Emergency Purchase Materials for sinkhole repair at Hinton, District 9. 07/20/2022
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Three-month contract for janitorial services for 38 county offices following expiration of current contract. 07/19/2022
Division of Highways Emergency Purchase Liquid asphalt for current paving operations until the current solicitation for this commodity is awarded, District 3. 07/13/2022
Department of Homeland Security Emergency Purchase Six-month contract for ammunition, greater than the delegated dollar amounts for agencies covered by Purchasing Division, as a result of excessive wait times from current contract vendor. 07/11/2022

FY2022 Reporting Period

State Agency Request Description Date
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Abatement design and professional reclamation services for the Road Branch (Davis) Open Portal in Wyoming County, left open by the former operator and currently being entered by ATV riders, to include site construction mobilization/demobilization, site preparation, excavation, and installation of a traditional bat gate, for the Southern Region of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation. 06/27/2022
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase One-year contract for data-transport services while the agency evaluates and awards a replacement contract and develops a migration plan. 06/23/2022
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Replace current satellite delivery of broadcast feeds with IP-based delivery system ahead of high-visibility Dolly Parton event. 06/23/2022
Workforce West Virginia Emergency Purchase Six-month contract to provide direct-deposit services for claimants who file for unemployment benefits. 06/13/2022
Division of Public Transit Emergency Purchase Purchase five 176" - 190" wheelbase cutaway vehicles. 06/10/2022
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase Six-month contract for envelopes for various state-agency mailings following contract vendor's failure to renew. 06/06/2022
Department of Rehabilitation Services Emergency Purchase Extend WVARF commodity and services contract from June 1, 2022 to August 31, 2022 under the same terms and conditions while agency competitively bids new contract for an administrative Central Non-Profit Agency (CNA). 05/31/2022
Division of Highways Emergency Purchase Galvanized corrugated bridge flooring for unrepaired bridge on County Rte. 26, MP 1.60, District 1. 05/25/2022
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Electrical-contractor services and parts to repair parking lot lights following lightning strike that disabled existing lights and caused electrical backfeed. 05/23/2022
Division of Highways Emergency Purchase Purchase new heavy-duty construction equipment for Equipment Division following factory shutdowns and part shortages for existing construction fleet. 05/17/2022
Division of Forestry Emergency Purchase Four (4) 2-WD/4-WD utility-terrain vehicles and two (2) 4-WD/6-WD utility-terrain vehicles for fire suppression after receiving no responses to a public solicitation. 05/16/2022
General Services Division Emergency Purchase Services for water extraction, demolition, and drying of various office spaces following sprinkler activation at Bldg. 23, Beckley. 05/12/2022
Division of Highways Emergency Purchase Replace 1500' of main water line at the Interstate 79 Welcome Center, Morgantown. 05/12/2022
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Design services to remediate issues with the Diamond Building exterior that compromise public safety as a result of structural deterioration. 04/28/2022
Division of Highways Emergency Purchase Roof repair on the District 3 salt shed located at 7619 Calhoun Highway, Millstone, following damage that has allowed water to seep into the salt materials, creating both environmental and safety concerns. 04/21/2022
Workforce West Virginia Emergency Purchase Purchase five (5) mid-size SUVs deliverable prior to the expiration of federally-issued fraud money that will be utilized within the new Unemployment Fraud Investigation Unit. 04/19/2022
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Obtain professional engineering services to provide a subsurface geotechnical investigation, including exploratory drilling and data analysis, to investigate landslide issues impacting Nuttal and Clifton Avenues in Warwood as a result of an abandoned mine on the Pittsburgh coal seam. 04/05/2022
Division of Highways Emergency Purchase Installation of a slip liner for a deteriorating section of pipe at Crawley Creek, Logan, in District 2. 04/04/2022
Division of Highways Emergency Purchase Professional services for Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) data validation through 9/30/2022 for the national Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) following loss of WVDOT's subject-matter expert. 03/25/2022
Division of Motor Vehicles Emergency Purchase Three-month contract for security guard services at the Martinsburg, Moundsville, and Charles Town Regional Offices as statewide contract vendor's staff unavailability continues. 03/18/2022
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Replacement FM transmitter and associated electrical work to prevent failure of broadcast service from the Weston facility. 03/14/2022
West Virginia Purchasing Division Emergency Purchase Establish a three-month emergency statewide contract for food, beverages, and food supplies as a result of contract vendors declining renewal and a lack of vendor responses as a result of market conditions. 03/08/2022
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase Purchase various envelopes for state mailings through May 10 following unsuccessful competitive solicitation. 03/04/2022
West Virginia Department of Education Emergency Purchase Rental and placement of security fencing through July 30, 2022 around the site of the former Administration Building destroyed by fire on February 26. 03/04/2022
West Virginia Secretary of State's Office Emergency Purchase Ninety-day contract for consulting services for the Statewide Voter Registration System to avoid a single-point of failure of several key functions that take place in the system. 03/01/2022
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase New three-month emergency contract for genetic testing while the Bureau for Child Support Enforcement rebids failed solicitation. 02/04/2022
Department of Transportation Emergency Purchase One-time purchase of solar salt following contracted vendor's inability to provide salt meeting contract specifications. 02/04/2022
General Services Division Emergency Purchase Excavation services to perform invasive investigation related to cause of unchecked water infiltration at Bldg. 36 (One Davis Square), Charleston. 02/01/2022
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Replacement of failed hardware with high-throughput storage unit in order to operate 21 virtual servers. 01/31/2022
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Purchase one (1) therapy mattress and controller for a resident's specific needs. 01/27/2022
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Six-month contract for direct-care staffing of HSW employees that the current contract holders cannot provide. 01/20/2022
West Virginia State Tax Department Emergency Purchase Three-month contract for hosted voice and contact-center services to allow additional time for the agency to complete VOIP privatization.
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Engineering design, surveying, and drilling services related to actively-burning refuse at Bloomingrose originating from the former Sharlow Gas Coal Company mines One, Two, and Three from the 1920s. 01/20/2022
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Six-month contract for direct-care staffing of RN and LPN employees that the current contract holders cannot provide. 01/19/2022
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase Database-administration services for not more than 400 hours while the agency evaluates Centralized Request for Quote (CRFQ) ISC2200000008. 01/14/2022
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Additional one-month contract for direct-care staffing of RN and LPN employees. 01/12/2022
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Additional 90-day contract for direct-care staffing of HSW employees while agency attempts to complete new contract. 01/05/2022
Department of Transportation Emergency Purchase Galvanized pipe with bands to repair three bridges' collapsing pipes as a result of safety concerns following high water, District 1. 12/30/2021
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase One-month contract extension under the same terms and conditions as the existing record-management contract while the state agency continues negotiations with the vendor for a new direct-award agreement. 12/29/2021
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Response and mitigation of tire fire at WV Tire Disposal, Inc. facility in Summersville. 12/28/2021
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Repair of the above-ground leachate storage tank at the Kingwood Landfill following leaking and "floating" of primary tank. 12/27/2021
General Services Division Emergency Purchase Mechanical contractor services to perform excavation, investigation, and repair of high-pressure steam line which serves to provide heating to Bldg. 1 (Main Capitol), Bldg. 3 (former DMV), and Bldg 4, Bldg. 5, and Bldg. 7 (all Charleston). 12/22/2021
Division of Motor Vehicles Emergency Purchase Purchase two mainframe printers to print motor vehicle titles and registration cards as a result of ink-ordering delays with existing printers. 12/22/2021
Division of Motor Vehicles Emergency Purchase Three-month contract for security guard services at the Martinsburg, Moundsville, and Charles Town Regional Offices after statewide contract vendor's continued staff unavailability. 12/21/2021
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Repair to the Petersburg Landfill's bolted-steel leachate-storage tank and overflow valve leaking into the immediate field and drainage leading to the South Branch of the Potomac River. 12/13/2021
General Services Division Emergency Purchase HVAC mechanical contracting services to perform invasive investigation to determine the cause of and rectify a ruptured high-pressure steam line which serves to provide heating to Bldg. 1 (Main Capitol), Bldg. 3 (former DMV), and Bldg 4 (all Charleston). 11/30/2021
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase Thirty-day contract extension under the same terms and conditions as the existing contract while the state agency completes negotiations with the vendor for a new direct-award agreement. 11/29/2021
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Forty-seven-day contract for direct-care staffing of HSW employees while new contract is finalized. 11/02/2021
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Forty-seven-day contract for direct-care staffing of RN and LPN employees while new contract is finalized. 11/02/2021
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Six-month renewal of public health notification system contract following new vendor's inability to meet contract deliverables. 10/21/2021
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Dangerous impoundment reclamation of mining sediment pond at the previously-reclaimed, pre-law Summersville (Brown) location for Abandon Mine Lands and Reclamation. 10/18/2021
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase Three-month contract for hosted voice and contact-center services to allow additional time for state agencies to complete VOIP privatization. 10/12/2021
Department of Veterans Assistance Emergency Purchase Correction of irrigation and drainage problems causing flooding in Section 4 of the Donel C. Kinnard Memorial State Veterans Cemetery. 10/08/2021
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Four-month contact for genetic-testing services for the Bureau for Child Support Enforcement. 09/28/2021
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Design and surveying services for the Dry Branch (Stewart) landslide following failure of engineering from 1989 (1989-SOU-039-073), now allowing increased water issues and gabion wall problems. 09/22/2021
West Virgina State Auditor's Office Emergency Purchase Replacement of existing passenger van with a 2020 RAM ProMaster cargo van contingent on Fleet Division approval of the replacement. 09/10/2021
Schools for the Deaf and the Blind Emergency Purchase Obtain up to four (4) nurses for students at the WV Schools for the Deaf & Blind through December 31, 2021 following CMA 0403 DBS2200000001 vendor's inability to locate nurses. 09/10/2021
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Sixty-day contract to obtain leachate-hauling services for the Jackson County Landfill to the Sissonville Public Service District (PSD). 09/07/2021
Division of Rehabilitation Services Emergency Purchase Consulting services effective 8/19/2021 for the writing of an RFP on behalf of a vendor for the federal Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program. 08/19/2021
General Services Division Emergency Purchase Troubleshoot and repair failing Mammoth HVAC unit at Bldg. 37 (Charleston). 08/16/2021
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Sixty-day contract for leachate hauling from the Pine Creek Omar Landfill to the Logan County Public Service District (PSD) following debarment associated with CMA DEP2100000003. 07/30/2021
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Ninety-day contract for direct-care staffing of RN and LPN employees. 07/30/2021
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Ninety-day contract for direct-care staffing of HSW employees. 07/30/2021


FY2021 Reporting Period

State Agency Request Description Date
Division of Motor Vehicles Emergency Purchase Six-month contract for security guard services at the Martinsburg, Moundsville, and Charles Town Regional Offices after statewide contract vendor failed to perform. 06/24/2021
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Three-month extension of current emergency medical services data system contract to ensure new system is completely configured, tested, and that future users are trained by the new system’s implementation date. 06/09/2021
General Services Division Emergency Purchase Five-month contract to acquire and install temporary rental chiller and repair failed air handler in Bldg. 54 (Fairmont). 06/03/2021
Workforce West Virginia Emergency Purchase Procure web application vulnerability assessment and penetration testing services on the MACC system after it was taken out of service by the WV Office of Technology as a result of security vulnerabilities. 05/17/2021
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Three-month contract for nursing RPN services and a three-month contract for HSW services to allow the agency to evaluate and fill emergency staffing needs and vacancies. 05/14/2021
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Replacement of damaged roof following February ice storm at Barker's Ridge microwave site housing high-voltage equipment. 05/11/2021
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Consultant services to assist state agency with meeting E-Rate reimbursement and other filing deadlines. 04/08/2021
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Replacement of failed television translator at Keyser microwave site. 04/07/2021
General Services Division Emergency Purchase Obtain engineering-design services to provide an on-site survey, in-depth investigation, and special services design work to prepare repair project plans following a partial concrete slab fall below the North Portico Stairs, Main Capitol, Bldg. 1. 03/30/2021
General Services Division Emergency Purchase Line the drain line under the former Duffy Street with a cured-in-place piping system from where it now exits Bldg. 1’s West Wing to where it terminates at Greenbrier Street (Charleston). 03/05/2021
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Procure tower crew services to remove an eight-foot dish on the Barker’s Ridge tower that was damaged by ice and creating a hazard to on-site personnel. 02/23/2021
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Two-month contract for leachate-hauling services to relieve iced-over tanks from the Kingwood Landfill with transport to the City of Kingwood Wastewater Treatment Plant to prevent overflow of the secondary containments. 02/18/2021
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Seventy-five-day contract for leachate-hauling services from the McDowell County Landfill to the City of Welch Wastewater Treatment Plant in order to relieve overflowing tanks. 02/10/2021
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Design, surveying, and drilling services to abate active landslide problems at Shrewsbury originating from the former Valley Camp No. 9 mine (Valley Camp Coal Co) on the Winifrede coal seam, as well as construction re-reclamation to include mobilization/demobilization, exploratory drilling, excavation and removal of slide material, construction of drainage structures, regrading, and revegetation. 02/09/2021
West Virginia Board of Medicine Emergency Purchase Enhancements, maintenance, and support of licensing database software through June 30, 2021. 01/20/2021
West Virginia Emergency Management Division Emergency Purchase Replacement of failed battery backup equipment at the Haines Knob tower site in order to hold the microwave equipment online in the event of power failure. 12/21/2020
West Virginia Emergency Management Division Emergency Purchase Replacement of aged battery backup equipment at the Gauley SIRN network tower site in order to hold the microwave equipment online in the event of power failure. 12/17/2020
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Labor to remove old WVPB television antenna and install replacement antenna 10/15/2020
Division of Highways Emergency Purchase Roof replacement on US Rt. 35 district headquarters following August 26 storm damage. 09/24/2020
General Services Division Emergency Purchase Two-phase repair services related to a broken water line to a water source heat pump and the resulting flood damage to Bldg. 23 in Beckley. 09/22/2020
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Ninety-day contract for channel-sharing services in order to maintain WVPB television broadcasting in the Charleston/Huntington area. 09/21/2020
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Exploration, design, and reclamation to fill the void and eliminate the site hazard of the Long Run (Raines) Air Shaft in Marion County mined by the Consolidation Coal Company from the 1910s to 1979. 08/17/2020
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Replacement of the outdated EST Quickstart fire alarm system currently experiencing a CPU Fault error at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (BPH-OCME). 08/13/2020
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase Four-month contract for staffing services for the Office of Management Information Services (OMIS) for two (2) IT Business Analyst classifications to follow the specifications listed in the current Agency Delivery Order (ADO), MIS2000000004. 08/06/2020
Division of Motor Vehicles Emergency Purchase Three-month production of driver's license and ID cards while necessary system implementation, data migration, and cloud storage solution is completed for system testing. 08/05/2020
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Replacement FM transmitter to restore broadcast service from the Wheeling/Bethany microwave site. 07/23/2020
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Vertical turbine pump repair in order to maintain water quality as a result of acid mine drainage in the Tygart River upstream from the City of Fairmont's municipal water intake. 07/17/2020
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Sixty-day purchase of chemicals needed to treat acid mine drainage in the Tygart River upstream from the City of Fairmont's municipal water intake. 07/17/2020

FY2020 Reporting Period

State Agency Request Description Date
General Services Division Emergency Purchase Reinstall 32 separated masonry (limestone) façade panels on the exterior of Building 36 (One Davis Square) as a result of moisture intrusion due to a cap flashing failure on the roof. 06/16/2020
West Virginia Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Three-month contract for food items at the Clarksburg and Barboursville facilities. 06/15/2020
West Virginia Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Three-month extension to Agency Contract (ACT) VNF2000000005 for Electronic Medical Records (EMR) services. 06/03/2020
Lottery Commission Emergency Purchase Repair outside of regular business hours of a water main break at 900 Pennsylvania Ave., Charleston, as a result of a third party vendor installing fiber optic cable under the street. 05/29/2020
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Design, surveying, and drilling services for emergency reclamation for Witcher Creek (Meeker) Landslide engineering project as a result of a worsening landslide from the Cedar Grove Coal Seam mined in the 1960s by Valley Camp Coal. 05/07/2020
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase
Image 2
One-month contract for leachate-hauling services to relieve tanks from the McDowell County Landfill with transport to the City of Welch Wastewater Treatment Plant to prevent overflow of the secondary containment as a result of excessive rain and rain forecast. 05/04/2020
Workforce West Virginia Emergency Purchase Sixty-day (60) contract to provide debit card and direct-deposit services for claimants who file for unemployment benefits. 05/04/2020
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase One-year extension of the statewide contract for record management services (CMA RECMGT). 04/22/2020
Division of Highways Emergency Purchase Purchase of up to ten (10) traffic controllers. 04/22/2020
West Virginia Development Office - Community Advancement and Development Emergency Purchase Additional property mitigation in Scarbro related to single-family residential construction from disaster-housing program contract CMA DEV1900000011. 04/17/2020
State Rail Authority Emergency Purchase
Slide repair on the West Virginia Central Railroad. 04/16/2020
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase Purchase of mainframe software products and maintenance. 03/27/2020
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Security detail services at the State Health Lab from March 25, 2020 in relation to the COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) pandemic. 03/24/2020
Adjutant General / Armory Board Emergency Purchase Purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE) related to COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) pandemic including masks, MALO moulded overboots, Coolmax liners, and foil-sealed filters. 03/21/2020
Department of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Sixty-day contract to provide drug-testing services for the Jobs & Hope program. 03/20/2020
Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety Emergency Purchase

Purchase of N-95 respirator masks as a result of COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus).

Adjutant General / Armory Board Emergency Purchase Purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE) for use by medical professionals at hospitals and testing and treatment facilities in response to the COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) pandemic. 03/20/2020
Finance Division Emergency Purchase Purchase of two laptop PCs outside of the central statewide contract. 03/17/2020
West Virginia Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Three-month contract to provide electronic-medical-record services for the Clarksburg and Barboursville facilities. 03/02/2020
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Purchase of ten automatic air dehydrators to replace failed units in transmission line at various microwave sites in Charleston, Parkersburg, Weston, Flow (Elmira), Cooper’s Rock, Deep Creek, Layland, and Kopperston. 02/27/2020
Workforce West Virginia Emergency Purchase Additional sixty-day contract for banking services related to Electronic Payment Card (EPC) and direct-deposit services for the delivery of unemployment benefits. 02/27/2020
Workforce West Virginia Emergency Purchase Sixty-day contract to provide drug-screening services of individuals enrolling in training programs funded under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). 02/25/2020
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Replacement of a failed, unrepairable FM transmitter at agency's Petersburg microwave site. 02/05/2020
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Emergency engineering services to abate open refuse fire near Lefthand Fork of Rockhouse Creek (Pack) near Man in Logan County. 01/24/2020
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase One-month contract for leachate-hauling services to relieve tanks from the McDowell County Landfill to the City of Welch Wastewater Treatment Plant to prevent overflow of secondary containment in the event of forecasted rain after existing vendor from CMA DEP1600000024 experienced faulty equipment. 01/22/2020
West Virgina State Treasurer's Office Emergency Request Extension of services for a web-based comprehensive unclaimed property management system from wvOASIS contract CMA STO1900000001 (Securities Custodial & Safekeeping for WV Unclaimed Property). 01/15/2020
Workforce West Virginia Emergency Request Sixty-day contract for banking services related to Electronic Payment Card (EPC) and direct-deposit services for the delivery of unemployment benefits. 01/15/2020
Division of Motor Vehicles Emergency Purchase Six-month production of driver's license and ID cards while necessary system implementation, data migration, and cloud storage solution is completed for system testing. 01/08/2020
West Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Administration Emergency Purchase One-year contract for continued data-transport services while agency evaluates long-term data-circuit requirements. 01/08/2020
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Procure tower crew services to remove an old broadcast antenna and install a new one in order to meet FCC network rebuild deadline. 12/30/2019
General Services Division Emergency Purchase Removal of older chiller units and rental, including installation, maintenance, and eventual removal, of temporary chiller following failure of system in Bldg. 22. 12/27/2019
Division of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Five-month emergency purchase for statewide NEMT and ODCP transportation emergency ride-sharing transportation system and ride-booking platform. 12/16/2019
Workforce West Virginia Emergency Purchase Sixty-day open-end contract for drug screening and testing for individuals enrolling in training programs funded under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). 12/03/2019
West Virginia Board of Nursing Emergency Purchase Provide continued services for the participant monitoring and testing segment of the nursing-health program West Virginia Restore. 12/03/2019
West Virginia Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase One-year contract for software license and maintenance of Softwriters’ FrameworkLTC pharmaceutical system. 10/30/2019
Workforce West Virginia Emergency Purchase Sixty-day open-end contract for debit card services related to benefit distribution to agency’s Unemployment Compensation Benefit clients. 10/28/2019
Division of Rehabilitation Services Emergency Purchase Thirty-day emergency purchase, not to exceed $5,000, to extend existing vehicle rentals. 10/22/2019
Division of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Thirty-day emergency purchase to extend 172 vehicle rentals for the Bureau for Children and Families with same conditions and pricing as expiring statewide contract. 10/18/2019
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase Extend VOIP13E contract for hosted voice-over-IP and Hosted Contact Center services for twelve months during migration to VOIP19-specified systems. 10/16/2019
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Design services for emergency reclamation for Smithers (Cavalier) Landslide Engineering project as a result of an active landslide from the Eagle Seam. 10/07/2019
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Extend emergency contract for skilled rehabilitative therapy services at the West Virginia Veterans Nursing Facility for an additional 30 days prior to the award of CMA VNF2000000003. 09/17/2019
Division of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Remediation and environmental assessment to mitigate mold in Building 25. 09/12/2019
General Services Division Emergency Purchase Procure services related to repair of broken chilled water line west of Bldg. 5. 09/04/2019
Division of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Procure Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) for a five-month term following vendor's termination of services from contract CMA BMS1800000002. 08/27/2019
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Extend monthly purchase of circuits previously on wvOASIS contract CCT EBA1500000001. 08/26/2019
Workforce West Virginia Emergency Purchase Sixty-day contract for banking services for benefits distribution to clients as mandated by West Virginia Code §21A-8. 08/26/2019
Division of Rehabilitation Services Emergency Purchase Thirty-day emergency contract for skilled rehabilitative therapy services at the West Virginia Veterans Nursing Facility extending VNF1900000008 while new vendor prepares to provide services specified in CMA VNF2000000003. 08/23/2019
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Renew software licensing related to Radio Automation System for one month before expiration on September 1, 2019. 08/23/2019 
Public Service Commission Emergency Purchase

Procure dual-band radios with grant funds expiring September 30, 2019 to meet requirements of the WV Statewide Interoperable Radio Network.

Office of Technology Emergency Purchase Procure cabling materials for network architecture and engineering needs statewide. 08/15/2019
Lottery Commission Emergency Purchase Procure up to 1,000 hours of project time over a six-month period for agency IT hardware- and software-related environment needs. 08/08/2019
Division of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Procure drug-screening services for six-month term for the Office of Drug Control Policy. 08/07/2019
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Obtain electrical repair services for elevator shaft exhaust fan, HVAC unit, and parking lot light fixture. 08/07/2019
West Virginia Public Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Provide travel expenses for work crew's return trip in order to complete antenna installation for FCC-mandated frequency conversions. 08/02/2019
Division of Health and Human Resources Emergency Purchase Six-month emergency purchase for a statewide ride-sharing transportation system and ride-booking platform to get opioid-epidemic client treatment and training in conjunction with a WorkForce WV-initiated program. 07/17/2019
West Virginia Public Broadcast Emergency Purchase Procure transmission line reducer, electrical load center, and other additional parts to complete television transmitter and translator equipment installation by FCC-mandated deadline. 07/12/2019
Division of Motor Vehicles Emergency Purchase Provide driver's license and ID card production from October 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020. 07/02/2019

FY2019 Reporting Period

State Agency Request Description Date
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase Procure operating environment needs related to data circuits and SIP trunking migrated from the MPLS07EEEE contract. 06/27/2019
General Services Division Emergency Purchase Replacement of 40-ton, 460-Volt, 3-phase roof-top unit located on Bldg. 84, Real Estate and Corrections. 06/26/2019
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase Procure one-year temporary cloud data backup platforms. 06/24/2019
West Virginia Educational Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Extended emergency purchase of circuits previously on the wvOASIS CCT EBA1500000001 contract. 06/19/2019
Schools for the Deaf and the Blind Emergency Purchase Obtain architectural and engineering services to oversee and facilitate the completion of two CPOs by providing construction administration not to exceed $49,500. 06/17/2019
Workforce West Virginia Emergency Purchase Extend contract for banking services for benefit distribution to clients and clearing account functions. 06/06/2019
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Design services for emergency reclamation as a result of Verdunville (Spry) water drainage from Island Creek Coal Co. Mine No. 15. 05/22/2019
West Virginia Educational Broadcasting Emergency Purchase Emergency purchase of circuits previously on the wvOASIS CCT EBA1500000001 contract. 05/08/2019
General Services Division Emergency Purchase Replacement of 10-ton cooling unit located on Bldg. 1, East Wing. 05/07/2019
Division of Tourism Emergency Purchase To extend the Agency of Record contract for marketing-related services. 04/29/2019
General Services Division Emergency Purchase
Replace section of dryvit (EIFS) exterior wall on Bldg. 36 to remedy exposed interior walls, electrical wiring, and insulation. 04/18/2019
Adjutant General/ Armory Board Emergency Purchase Obtain exploration and design services of a qualified civil engineering firm to repair a slip so normal vehicular traffic can resume to South Gate Road of the Briery Mountain training area at Camp Dawson, Kingwood. 04/03/2019
General Services Division Emergency Purchase Repair main elevator in Building 23 in order to re-establish ADA access to public space on top floor of Beckley office building. 04/03/2019
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Design and abatement services to stabilize and control mine discharge from Red Jacket Coal & Coke Company’s Mitchell Branch Mine in North Matewan. 03/27/2019
Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Purchase Replace and rebuild failed pump at Omega Mining Water Treatment Facility. 03/20/2019
Department of Agriculture Emergency Purchase Cancellation Replace roof on Craft House building at Cedar Lakes Conference Center. 03/01/2019
Veterans Nursing Facility Emergency Purchase Provide a six-month contract for skilled rehabilitative therapy services at the West Virginia Veterans Nursing Facility. 02/25/2019
Division of Natural Resources Emergency Purchase Repairs at water treatment plant for Cacapon Resort State Park. 02/11/2019
Division of Natural Resources Emergency Purchase Purchase and replace failed pump, motor, and damaged electrical components for recirculation system at the Reeds Creek Fish Hatchery. 02/04/2019
Division of Highways Emergency Purchase Remediation of District 2 property after water damage and freezing within flooring and walls as a result of boiler pipe rupture. 02/01/2019
Division of Natural Resources Emergency Purchase Repair electrical panels and distribution wiring at French Creek Wildlife Center. 01/31/2019
Office of Technology Emergency Purchase Emergency replacement contract for the CENTREX statewide contract. 01/28/2019
Division of Motor Vehicles Emergency Purchase Produce Driver’s License and Motor Vehicle Registration Renewal Notices for the period of 1/23/2019 to 7/31/2019. 01/15/2019


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