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Training Modules Online

Thank you for taking the time to view the Purchasing Division's Online Training Modules. This page contains a list of mini and full modules by topic. Simply hold your cursor over the title and click. Some modules are published within CourseMill, the state's Learning Management System.  All others will open the Articulate Storyline file in a separate window.  For more information about both formats, see the instructions below.

For modules linked to an Articulate Storyline file.  These modules have not yet been converted to a file format compatible with CourseMill.  Upon viewing these modules, you must print the certificate located on the Resources tab on the last slide of the presentation and have your supervisor sign and return it to the Communication and Professional Development Unit of the Purchasing Division by email at Purchasing.Training@wv.gov.

For modules linked to CourseMill.  Log in with your unique ID number (e.g. A or B number) and password.  If you have not logged in before, the password should be "password".  If you have but cannot remember the password, simply click on the "Forgotten your User ID or Password?" link.  If your email is in the system correctly, you should receive a message within five minutes of submitting your email address.  Be sure to check your junk or clutter folder to see if the message went there.  If you do not receive an email, call the Office of Technology's Service Desk at (304) 558-9966 for assistance.

Once logged into the site, click on the Course Catalog tab, type "PUR" into the Catalog ID field, and click on the Search button.  The results will populate all Training Program in-person workshops, webinars, and online modules currently open for enrollment.  Simply click on the "Enroll" button for the module(s) you wish to view.

You will receive a confirmation email upon enrolling in each module and a certificate upon completion of viewing each module.

For questions related to these online training modules, email Purchasing.Training@wv.gov.



Mini Modules  |  0.25 Hours

Blackout Period (Catalog ID: PUR115EFY25)

This module provides an overview of the blackout period, which occurs from the time a requisition is submitted to the Purchasing Division (or the time the solicitation is published at the agency-delegated level) to the time the contract/purchase order is awarded.

Compliance Verification Checklist for Requisition Submission (Catalog ID: PUR121EFY25)

To assist agencies in understanding the required documents necessary for a central requisition to move forward in the purchasing process, the Purchasing Division recently created a compliance verification checklist for requisition submission. The purpose of the checklist is to identify the documents that are always required with a requisition, ensuring they have been obtained and provided, as well as to list other documents that may be required (if statutorily required for the purchase as identified by the agency procurement officer), and offer the requesting agency and Purchasing Division buyer a way to track the submission and receipt of those documents. In this module, we'll take a closer look at this checklist, and more specifically, the documents that are required with every new requisition, as well as those with change orders/renewals. We will also discuss how the form should be completed.

Construction Purchases (Catalog ID: PUR312EFY25)

Construction procurement carries with it a unique set of requirements.  To assist agency procurement officers in better understanding the processes and procedures associated with construction procurements, this module will take a closer look at what constitutes construction; highlight some considerations an agency should keep in mind when soliciting for construction services, including pre-bid meetings and bonding requirements; and analyze processing and post-award requirements.

Market Research (Catalog ID PUR122EFY25)

This mini module outlines the various market research methods procurement officers can use prior to preparing a solicitation.

Pre-Bid Conferences (Catalog ID: PUR209EFY25)

In the state purchasing process, agencies sometimes need to solicit high-dollar, highly technical, or complex projects and/or services. To help these types of solicitations succeed, agencies may utilize mandatory pre-bid conferences. Pre-bid conferences, which occur after a solicitation has been published for public viewing but prior to the scheduled bid opening, allow the vendor community an opportunity to ask questions, hear more about the project, and in some cases conduct site visits.

This mini online training module will discuss the benefits to conducting pre-bid conferences, as well as provide an overview of the pre-bid conference format and the agency's role in conducting pre-bid conferences.

Prohibited Contract Clauses Law (Catalog ID: PUR219EFY25)

During the 2021 Legislative Session, the West Virginia Purchasing Division successfully worked with the Governor's Office, the Legislature, and many others to pass Senate Bill 587, which became W. Va. Code § 5A-3-62. This section of the law governs prohibited contract clauses. The purpose of this law was to streamline the contract negotiation and award process by automatically voiding 18 different contract terms often proposed by vendors. As part of this Prohibited Contract Clauses mini training module, you will learn what contract clauses are covered by this law and what it means for you when a vendor proposes them.

Standardization Process (Catalog ID: PUR311EFY25)

Following the 2018 Legislative Session, state agencies now have the ability to standardize commodities. The process to standardize is outlined in West Virginia Code § 5A-3-61. What this means is that state agencies, upon standardizing a particular commodity, may specify a brand of product for competitive bidding using the Request for Quotations method of procurement, or other procurement method deemed appropriate, without the need to consider other brands. This mini module will discuss the process to standardize commodities.

Stringing (Catalog ID: PUR119EDY25)

This module helps agency procurement officers understand the bidding thresholds. Circumventing these thresholds could result in a “failure to bid” finding at the agency-delegated level, or in more serious cases, stringing for those that exceed the $25,000 threshold.

Vendor Registration Fee Exemption (Catalog ID: PUR215EFY25)

This module highlights the circumstances in which a vendor registration fee exemption code may be used during the vendor registration process.


Full Modules  |  0.50 Hours

Agency Delegated Purchasing (Click on title to view module)

This online module addresses agency-delegated purchasing procedures for commodities and services expected to cost $50,000.00 or less (or $100,000 if approved for an increased spending threshold) and identifies the spending thresholds and bidding requirements for each.

Change Orders and Addenda (Click on title to view module)

This module provides an overview of addenda and changes orders, including examples of when they may be necessary and the documentation needed to help facilitate these processes.

Drafting Specifications for RFQs (Catalog ID: PUR104EFY25)

Developing effective specifications plays an important role in the procurement process. This module examines the differences between good and bad specifications and how they can affect the types of bids received.

Fixed Assets and Surplus Property (Catalog ID: PUR305EFY25)

State agencies are responsible for managing their inventory and properly retiring assets to the West Virginia State Agency for Surplus Property. This module examines the requirements for entering assets into the wvOASIS Fixed Assets System and the process for disposing of property once it is no longer needed by the owning state agency.

Request for Proposals (RFP) Evaluation / Best Value Procurement (Catalog ID: PUR304EFY25)

Requests for Proposals (RFPs) are a best value procurement method used when the scope of work is not well defined, and cost is not the sole determining factor for award. This module defines the RFP method of procurement and highlights some of the steps required prior to utilizing this method, examines the six sections of the RFP Standard Format, and discusses the responsibilities of the agency and Purchasing Division in the RFP evaluation process.

Request for Quotations (RFQ) (Catalog ID: PUR108EFY25)

This module highlights the acquisition planning steps required prior to the actual bidding process, the importance of writing clear and concise specifications, and other agency responsibilities prior to and during the advertisement of the RFQ.

Special Purchasing Processes (Click on title to view module)

From emergency situations to direct award procurements, this module highlights processes that occur only when special circumstances require a different set of processes than those which are seen in typical procurements.

Vendor Remedies: Protests, Circuit Court, and Claims Commission (Catalog ID: PUR206EFY25)

This module analyzes the three remedies available to vendors when they feel the procurement process has not been properly executed.



On-Demand Recordings

Change Orders Process (Click on title to view recording)

This recording walks through how to complete the change order process, from creating the requisition to modifying language to include the specific change order information. While viewing this recording, you may also follow along with the Change Order Processing Instructional Guide.



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