WV.gov  |  Administration  |  Purchasing  |  Purchasing Training Center  |  2019 Purchasing Conference PowerPoints


Below are the presentation materials for the 2019 Agency Purchasing Conference.  You are encouraged to print the workshop presentations for which you have either scheduled or have an interest in viewing.  Please bring copies of all presentations you plan to attend with you to the conference.  All presentations are in PDF format and are best printed in landscape format.  Materials not yet available to download will be posted online as soon as they are available.

2019 Agency Purchasing Conference PowerPoint Presentations:

Agency-Delegated Purchasing This course will address agency-delegated purchasing procedures for commodities and services expected to cost $25,000.00 or less and help participants identify bidding levels within this authority.  A panel of agency representatives will assist the presenter in answering questions related to this dollar threshold.
Boards and Commissions This interactive workshop will provide insights into procuring for the state's boards and commissions.  Since these entities may be structured slightly different than a larger agency, attendees will be asked to participate in an interactive discussion on issues faced by these entities and solutions to these problems.  Attendees will also be asked to elaborate on the processes utilized within their own specific board or commission.
Certification Study Group In this session, participants will learn the requirements of the West Virginia Procurement:  Basic and Advanced Certification programs, as well as discuss the final examination format and re-certification requirements.  This session will allow agency purchasers who are interested in obtaining either certification the opportunity to review the state purchasing processes and procedures contained in the Purchasing Division Procedures Handbook.
Construction Purchases/ Solicitations This workshop has been designed to take attendees through the process of soliciting and the ultimate award of a construction project.  As a part of this workshop, participants will learn which documents are required and used for these services.  Participants will have the opportunity to discuss past challenges, as well as successes, and learn from other procurement professionals.
Correctional Industries This session will provide a comprehensive overview of West Virginia Correctional Industries (WVCI), including how to purchase products from WVCI, how to effectively use the WVCI website,  and products and services that are available to state agencies from WVCI.  The quality of the products produced, the passion each shop has in their overall operation, and the teamwork that is exhibited by both Correctional Industries employees and the inmates in the facilities will be discussed in detail.
Critical Thinking in Procurement From time to time, we all fall into the routine trap that ends with processing documents or moving procurements up and down the line without any real thought about how our actions, or lack thereof, fit within the larger framework of our agency, and the state as a whole.  This class is an interactive scenario-based discussion of that bigger picture.  Sometimes something seemingly as simple as asking “what is the goal here?” will shed a whole new light on what your next steps should be.  While the most apparent answer is usually to get the good or service needed, the real answer may be completely unexpected.
Developing Specifications for RFQs This workshop will provide guidelines for writing effective specifications.  Some topics addressed will include when to use mandatory specifications, the new standardization process for commodities, and the "or equal" requirement when using brand names when a standardization has not been approved.
Electronic Business with West Virginia This workshop will explore state government’s electronic business options, resources to help purchasers expand their agencies’ vendor base for increased competition, tools for the procurement officer drawn from lessons learned, and the latest strategies within state procurement.
Evaluating a Request for Proposal:  Part II This workshop will highlight the Request for Proposals evaluation process from scoring the technical proposal to the cost bid opening.
Expressions of Interest This class will highlight this best-value procurement tool, which is primarily used in the selection of architects and engineers as specified in West Virginia Code 5G.  The Expressions of Interest process permits the state to award a contract to the most qualified vendor on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualification for the type of professional services required at a fee determined to be fair and reasonable.
Forms and Documentation In this session, we will discuss the following forms and when they are used:  Agreement Addenda (WV-96); Purchasing Affidavit; Drug-Free Workplace Affidavit and Cover Sheet; and more.
Fraud in Public Procurement In this class, you will learn about recent criminal activity in public procurement, discuss those that catch it and prosecute it, and discuss the costs to the individual and the organization.  In addition, you will be given hypothetical examples to test your knowledge and discuss with the group.
General Discussion This Advanced Track session will allow primary and backup agency-designated procurement officers the opportunity to discuss with Purchasing Division personnel the complex laws, rules, and procedures of the state purchasing process.  Attendees should come prepared with questions as well as agency-specific examples.
How to Avoid Common Pitfalls in Public Procurement Navigating the West Virginia state procurement laws and rules can be tricky, but there are some tips and tricks agency procurement officers can use to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the process.  This workshop will identify the top ten common pitfalls in the public procurement process as seen by the West Virginia Purchasing Division and offer guidance on how agencies can better manage their solicitations from beginning to end while ensuring compliance with the laws, rules, and procedures.
Inspections:  Making the Grade This workshop will discuss the purpose of reviewing and auditing spending unit requests, purchases and other transactions and purchases within the Purchasing Division’s authority.  It will also detail inspection procedures, with a focus on the use of its grading system and corrective action plan request, in addition to the requirements for state agencies and contract management procedures.
Managing Your Vendor Sometimes the hardest part of public procurement is making sure your vendor lives up to their end of the deal.  This class will help you understand that you represent the state, that you are in control, and that you have way more power than you think.  Additionally, the class will include a discussion of the tools at your disposal to properly manage the contractual relationship with the vendor.  Those tools include, but certainly are not limited to, proper vendor screening and selection, use of expert advisors, the power of contract knowledge/understanding in negotiations, and post-breach remedies like formal demand letters and debarment.
Payment Process This session will give an overview of the payment process in wvOASIS.  The course will stress the importance of the vendor name being consistent on the contract, invoice, and in wvOASIS.  The course will also review the communications released from the State Auditor's Office in the past year.  This session will also look into the common errors we encounter and offer ways to avoid the rejects associated with these errors.
Preparing a Request for Proposal:  Part I In this class, participants will learn the basic guidelines for preparing a Request for Proposal (RFP), from the initial approval of the Purchasing Division to developing the agency’s goals and objectives, writing the specifications, and completing the RFP template.
Privacy and Cybersecurity This session will introduce participants to the State Privacy Office (SPO), explain its role in state government and provide a brief discussion on understanding the current data breach threat.  The session will cover the importance of the partnership between Purchasing and the SPO for the protection of the state’s data assets.  Attendees will learn about how the risk of data loss is managed and reduced through the purchasing and contracting processes and how the role of the procurement officer is an essential element for holding vendors to the state’s privacy and security standards.  The session will also provide an introduction to the Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)--an industry best practice for managing data privacy risks.
Public Procurement Basics This session will cover the fundamentals of the procurement process.  A basic overview of the Purchasing Division, including who is required to buy under its authority and how the division is structured organizationally, will be discussed.  Attendees will also review the steps of the Purchasing Decision Path, as well as some terminology used in the state purchasing process.
Purchasing Card Program This workshop will provide information on the Purchasing Card program and its application within wvOASIS, administered by the State Auditor’s Office.
RFQs:  From A to Z This workshop will discuss the acquisition-planning steps required prior to the actual bidding process, including determining the need, conducting market research, identifying possible vendors, and more.  Participants will review the purchasing decision path leading up to the decision to use the Request for Quotation (RFQ) procurement method and analyze the agency and vendor’s responsibilities prior to and during the advertisement of the RFQ in the West Virginia Purchasing Bulletin.  Additionally, this workshop will highlight the evaluation of all received bid responses to determine the bidder’s adherence to the mandatory specifications, compliance with procurement regulations, and determination of the lowest responsible and responsive bidder in order to facilitate award.
Roundtable Discussions This session will allow procurement officers the opportunity to discuss with other state agency procurement officers multiple complex purchasing-related issues and brainstorm solutions and improvements.
Secretary of State Requirements This session will provide a basic overview of the Secretary of State’s role in governing business entities, discuss how vendors register with the Secretary of State’s office, and review different business types.
Special Purchases In this workshop, attendees will learn the different types of special purchases that exist in the state purchasing process, including those made in the event of an emergency, direct award purchases, piggybacking contracts and exempt purchases.  An overview of the circumstances and procedures for each will be discussed.
State Ethics and Open Meetings Act This presentation will cover both the West Virginia Ethics Act and Open Meetings Act.  Topics relating to the Ethics Act will include recent Advisory Opinions as well as rules governing public contracts, voting, other employment, and private gain and gifts. Topics related to the Open Meetings Act will include an overview of meetings which are subject to the Act, notice and agenda requirements, minutes, and violations.
Statewide Contracts This workshop will provide an overview of statewide contracts that are available to state agencies.  Participants will learn the proper use of these contracts as well as vendor issues related to such contracts.
Surplus Property/Fixed Assets This workshop will focus on how to obtain property through the state and federal Surplus Property programs.  The discussion will include eligibility requirements of the two programs, use/compliance requirements, and property availability.  In addition, you will learn the basic requirements of maintaining an agency inventory in the Fixed Assets Module.  Adding property, retiring property, asset modifications and annual certifications will be covered.  Disposal of information technology equipment will also be discussed in this workshop.
Transparency and Resources Transparency is an often-used word in state government, and this session will explore the specific reports and resources that comprise the Purchasing Division’s transparency initiatives for agencies, vendors, and citizens.  We will explore our regularly-updated tools and how they empower procurement officers to better navigate the day-to-day purchasing process at their own agencies.
Vendor Registration This workshop will discuss the vendor registration program and its requirements, including at what time during your agency’s transaction a vendor must register and when the annual registration fee is applicable.  In addition, we will cover the various methods at our disposal for completing a successful registration and when each tool is used.  We will also discuss strategies for navigating through records in the wvOASIS vendor/customer table.
West Virginia Office of Technology (WVOT) Requirements This session explores recent and upcoming policy improvements, providing an overview and guidance on the WVOT Chief Technology Officer Review and Approval Policy, revealing the “what, why, who, when, and how.”  This workshop will also highlight technology statewide contracts, as well as allow participants the opportunity to provide process-improvement feedback.
wvOASIS Procurement:  Part I This workshop will include an overview of wvOASIS procurement functions, as well as a discussion of topics ranging from encumbrance to the Vendor Self-Service portal.
wvOASIS Procurement:  Part II This workshop will include an overview of wvOASIS procurement functions, as well as a discussion of topics ranging from encumbrance to the Vendor Self-Service portal.


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