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Veterans' Federal Property Program


The U.S. federal government enacted the Veterans Small Business Enhancement Act of 2018 on January 3, 2019.  The National Association for State Agencies for Surplus Property (NASASP), which represents all SASPS throughout the country, has been working with the U.S. Small Business Administration and U.S. General Services Administration to finalize program operations and requirements.  In addition to the information below, WVSASP has created a small brochure overviewing the program.  To view this program, click here.  A printable version of this document can also be accessed herePrinting Instructions:  This is a two-sided document and should be printed on the short-end.

For a list of all West Virginia Surplus Property forms, including the Application for Eligibility for Veteran-Owned Small Businesses, please visit our forms page.


What is the Veteran’s Small Business Enhancement Act of 2018?

This Act provides veteran-owned small businesses access to federal surplus personal property.


Who is eligible?

Veteran-owned small businesses who are registered with and verified through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs are eligible to receive surplus property through the federal government.  To learn more about how to prepare for verification, go to https://www.va.gov/OSDBU/docs/preparing-for-verification.pdf or call 866-584-2344.  Additional information can be found online at https://vip.vetbiz.va.gov/.


How can a veteran screen for federal property?

Eligible veteran-owned small businesses will need to contact the West Virginia State Agency for Surplus Property (WVSASP) at (304) 766-2626 or toll free at (800) 576-7587 to obtain a unique user ID and login for the U.S. General Services Administration’s federal surplus website, https://gsaxcess.gov/.  Upon logging in, vendors may search for property using a variety of factors, including the type of property, the state in which the property resides, keywords, and more.  Once a veteran has identified property in which he or she is interested, the veteran must contact WVSASP to request the property.


Is there a charge to obtain federal surplus property?

WVSASP will charge a service fee to cover the administrative expenses required to secure the property, as well as transportation and warehousing costs, when applicable.


What compliance requirements should veterans be aware of if they opt to request and obtain federal surplus property?

Federal surplus property with an acquisition cost of less than $5,000 must be put into use within one year of acquisition and used for a minimum of one year.  Property with an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more, as well as all passenger motor vehicles, must be used for at least 18 months.  Title to the property remains with the federal government until the compliance period is over.  Personal use of this property is strictly prohibited during the compliance period, and compliance audits or reports may be required.


The Vets First Verification Program enables Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSBs) and Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (VOSBs) to be listed as VA-verified in the VetBiz Vendor Information Pages (VIP) database and participate in the Veterans First Contracting Program.  Veteran business owners seeking VA Verification should consider the following fundamental elements before
applying.  For more information on preparing for verification, please see this link.


Whom should I contact if I have questions?

Mr. Matt Harper
West Virginia State Agency for Surplus Property
(304) 356-2423


Opportunities for Veteran-Owned Small Businesses with WV Surplus



In the above informational video, West Virginia Surplus Property Manager Elizabeth Cooper detailed additional information about veteran-based opportunities.  The U.S. federal government enacted the Veterans Small Business Enhancement Act of 2018 on January 3, 2019. The National Association for State Agencies for Surplus Property (NASASP), which represents all SASPS throughout the country, has been working with the U.S. Small Business Administration and U.S. General Services Administration to finalize program operations and requirements.





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