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To provide transparency in the state procurement process, the West Virginia Purchasing Division is posting approvals where agencies have requested standardization of certain commodities representing a core function of the spending unit's mission.  In these cases, when procuring that commodity, agencies may specify a brand of product for competitive bidding (or other appropriate procurement method) without the need to consider other brands.

In accordance with West Virginia Code §5A-3-61, agencies are permitted to standardize upon certain commodities by utilizing a process detailed in the Purchasing Division Procedures Handbook.  Standardization is limited to commodities that:  (1) represent a core function of the
spending unit’s mission; (2) would yield a savings of time and money if standardized; and (3) either require testing or evaluation to determine accuracy or consistency or require interoperability in a larger system or network.  Savings of time and money must be shown without considering the traditional procurement process or the standardization process.  Any standardization established under this section must be valid for no more than four years.

For more information on the standardization process, please refer to Section 7.13 of the Purchasing Division Procedures Handbook.


State Agency Commodity Description Documentation Date
Health and Human Resources Veritrace Vital Statistics Security Paper The Bureau for Public Health has selected the security paper brand Veritrace. Memo 08/07/2023



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