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Inspection FAQs

Question Answer
How do I check for Vendor Verification Searches such as Unemployment and Worker’s Compensation? Type VCUST in the Jump to box in wvOASIS.  Insert the Vendor/Customer’s Legal Name in the search area.  In the Navigation area click on the Fee and Vendor Compliance Holds.  The wvOASIS system will display the verification status, with the exception of the WVSOS compliance.  You may search for the Secretary of State Registration at the link below.


How do find the Vendor’s Registration Status?

Type VCUST in the "Jump to:" box in wvOASIS.  Insert the Vendor’s Legal name in the search area and locate the Headquarters-designated account for that entity's current active tax identification number.  Click on the Disbursement Options component of the Navigation area in the VCUST record to see the "Prevent New Orders" status.  The vendor is in compliance with the Purchasing Division if the Prevent New Orders hold is set to "Not Active."
What should I do if a vendor has alternate terms and conditions? You should require the vendor to sign the WV-96.
What is the spending limit for an Agency Delegated Purchase? In accordance with the West Virginia Code and West Virginia Code of State Rules, state agencies may make purchases in the amount of $50,000.00 or less of certain commodities and services.  Any spending threshold increase to $100,000.00 must be approved by the Purchasing Director.
What do you mean by aggregated totals? The total amount spent with a specific vendor during a 12-month period.
How do I know if an item I need to purchase is on an existing mandatory use contract? To determine if an item is on an existing contract, go to the Statewide Contract website located, http://www.state.wv.us/admin/purchase/swc.  The agency should review the specifications for the appropriate contract.  If you have questions concerning the contracts, contact the buyer directly.

If you determine that the contract items do not meet your agency’s needs, you will need to obtain a waiver from the buyer.  If a waiver is obtained, be sure to keep a copy of this document in your file as well as your research documentation.
When is a wvOASIS award document required? A wvOASIS procurement award document is required for purchases exceeding $5,000.00 regardless of payment method.  (Reference Section 5.1.2 of the Purchasing Division Procedures Handbook.)
When is a Certification of Non-Conflict required? The Certification of Non-Conflict of Interest is required for any single purchase exceeding $5,000.  For additional details refer to Section 3.7.4 of the Purchasing Division Procedures Handbook.
When is an Asset Tag required? An asset tag is required for all equipment that is valued at $1,000 or more and has a useful life greater than one year.  However, all computers and peripherals with an acquisition cost of $500 also require an asset tag.  All firearms regardless of cost require an asset tag.
Do I have to keep my backup documentation? The Purchasing Division recommends that the agency maintain a copy file with all the documentation associated with the procurement.
What are the requirements for Non-Competitive/Exempt purchases? Vendor registration and all other requirements for the dollar amounts of the purchase are mandatory for these contracts; however, the annual vendor registration fee is waived.
What is the justification for an emergency purchase? In accordance with West Virginia Code 5A-3-15, purchases may be necessary when unforeseen causes arise; however, emergency purchases are not used for hardship resulting from neglect, poor planning, or lack of organization by the spending unit.  For additional details refer to Section of the Purchasing Division Procedures Handbook.


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