Claim Submission Instructions

To bring about efficient and meaningful handling of insurance claims, it is imperative that timely notice of loss be provided to the West Virginia Board of Risk and Insurance Management (BRIM). Any employee of an insured entity under the State's insurance program who either witnesses or is made aware of the occurrence of any incident should immediately gather all available information on the incident and immediately forward the same to BRIM. For persons other than insureds who wish to present a claim, please feel free to submit information to BRIM detailing the loss, as described in the following paragraph, and in addition, please tell us which of our  insureds was involved in the loss.

BRIM has developed a loss reporting form for the purpose of reporting insurance claims. The form is available for downloading at this website; or by choosing SUBMIT A CLAIM, you can complete the form and submit it directly to BRIM on-line.

While we would prefer that the BRIM loss reporting form be utilized for giving notice to us, if such is not possible, please submit the notice in any available format. As part of the notice, please provide the 'who', 'what', 'when', 'where' and 'how' of the incident as well as who for the insured should be contacted for further details. Also, please provide the telephone number for that person as well as their job title.

Claims should be submitted to:

West Virginia Board of Risk and Insurance Management
90 MacCorkle Ave., SW, Suite 203
South Charleston, WV 25303

Loss information can also be submitted via facsimile at (304) 744-7120.

Claims are delivered by courier to our insurance carrier every afternoon.


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