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Account Log-in

Important: To apply for a job, you MUST select a job title from the Open Jobs List.

You MUST have a governmentjobs.com account to apply for a job online. Persons with an existing account may want to login without applying for a job. Reasons might include: UPDATING YOUR ACCOUNT INFORMATION: Be sure to keep your account contact information (name, address, phone, and email address) up to date. This information is used for all applicant contacts, regardless of the contact information shown on any previous application. You are not required to notify us of name, address, phone or email address changes as long as you keep your online Account Information current.

Remember, we cannot see changes to the education or work history parts of your account application unless you apply for a specific job. You do NOT have to re-apply to change your account contact information.

First time visitors should refer to the Online Application Guide for more details about creating an account and applying for jobs. If you already have a governmentjobs.com account, you should use that account to apply for jobs.

Do not create multiple accounts or use another person's account. If you forget your password or username use the "I Forgot My Username and/or Password." link. For security reasons, we have no direct access to account passwords or account information.
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Division of Personnel
Building 6 Room 420
1900 Kanawha Blvd E
Charleston WV 25305-0139

FAX: (304) 957-0141