Forms | Administration | Purchasing |Forms

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The following forms are in PDF format.  Use your Adobe Reader (TM) to view and print them:

Agency Alternative Purchasing Methods Construction  |  Contract Management

Miscellaneous  |  RFP Packet  |  Surplus/Inventory Management  |  Templates

Terms and Conditions  |  Travel Management  |  Vendor  |  Resources



  1.  Agreement (WV-48)

  2. Agreement (WV-48A)

  3. Compliance Checklist (for RFQs and change orders) (WV-36)

  4. Non-Conflict of Interest Certification

  5. Pre-Bid Conference Sign In Sheet

  6. RFQ Recommendation for Award and Manual Vendor Compliance Search Verification Form (Agency Delegated Purchases) (WV-50A) 

  7. RFQ Recommendation for Award and Manual Vendor Compliance Search Verification Form (Central Purchases) (WV-50)

  8. Verbal Bid Quotation Summary (WV-49)

Alternative Purchasing Methods

  1. Cooperative Purchasing Request, Justification, and Approval (WV-40)

  2. Direct Award Request for Consideration (Agency Delegated) (WV-65A) (Instructions)

  3. Direct Award Request for Consideration (Central) (WV-65) (Instructions)

  4. Emergency Purchase Request From (WV-45)

  5. Multiple Award Determination (WV-70)

  6. Prequalification Agreement Request (WV-41)

  7. Section 9 Exemption Opinion Request Form (WV-68)

  8. Section 9 New Exemption Request Form

  9. Standardization Request and Notice Form (WV-80)


  1. Bond Forms

    1. Bid Bond Preparation Instructions

    2. Bid Bond

    3. Labor and Material Payment Bond

    4. Maintenance Bond

    5. Performance Bond

  2. Drug Free Workplace Conformance Affidavit

  3. Drug Free Workplace Report Cover Sheet

  4. Supplementary Conditions to AIA Forms

    1. A201-2017 Supplementary Conditions

    2. B101-2017 Supplementary Conditions (Architecture and/or Engineering only)

Contract Management

  1. Post Award Conference Requirement (WV-90))

  2. Reports Requirement (WV-92))


  1. Disclosure of Interested Parties to Contracts

  2. Vendor Non-Performance Notification Form (WV-82)

  3. Vendor Non-Performance/Contract Breach Demand Letter Template (WV-82A)

Resources (Forms, Documents, etc.)

  1. A Guide to wvOASIS Document Submission

  2. Agency Process Checklists

  3. Change Orders Reference Guide

  4. Insurance Guidance Document for Purchasing

  5. Newsletter (The Buyers Network)

  6. Procedures Handbook

  7. Specification Drafting Tips

  8. Welcome Packet

RFP Packet

  1. RFP Agency Approval Request (WV-110)

  2. RFP Evaluation Committee Designation Form (WV-111)

  3. RFP Recommendation for Award Memorandum (WV-113)

  4. RFP Technical Evaluation Committee Scoring Memorandum (WV-112)

  5. RFP Technical Scoring Spreadsheet

Surplus/Inventory Management

  1. Application for Eligibility (Public Agencies and Non-Profit Organizations) (WV-107A)

  2. Asset Management Certification Cover Sheet (WV-102)

  3. Asset Management Coordinator Designation (WV-101)

  4. Cannibalization Asset Request (WV-105)

  5. Fixed Asset Reconciliation Approval Statement (WV-100)

  6. Surplus Property Retirement Form (WV-103)

  7. Surplus Property Retirement Form (For Non-State Agencies) (WV-103N)

  8. Vehicle Inventory Certification Cover Sheet (WV-104)


  1. Catalog Discount RFQ

  2. Construction Specifications

  3. Construction Specification without AIA Documents

  4. Elevator Maintenance

  5. Expression of Interest (for Architectural and Engineering services)

  6. HVAC Maintenance

  7. One-Time Purchase RFQ

  8. Open-End RFQ

  9. Request for Information (RFI)

  10. Request for Proposal (RFP)

  11. Services RFQ

  12. Software Maintenance and Support Specification

  13. Standardization (RFI)

Terms and Conditions

  1. Agreement Addendum (WV-96)

  2. Agency Master Terms and Conditions (Instructions)

  3. Business Associate Addendum (BAA)

  4. Federal Funds Contract Clause Addendum Form

  5. Order of Precedent and Additional Terms Agreement

  6. Purchasing Master Terms and Conditions for Request for Proposal (Central) (Instructions)

  7. Purchasing Master Terms and Conditions for Request for Quotational (Central) (Instructions)

  8. West Virginia Office of Technology SaaS Addendum (Cloud Addendum)

  9. Third Party Software Addendum

Travel Management

  1. Request for Hospitality Service Form (TMO-3)

  2. Travel Management Forms

    1. Travel Expense Account Settlement

    2. Travel Authorization


  1. Vendor Preference Certificate

  2. Vendor Registration & Disclosure Statement and Small-, Women-, & Minority-Owned Business Certification (Form WV-1)

  3. Vendor Registration & Disclosure Statement and Small-, Women-, & Minority-Owned Business Certification (Form WV-1A)


Purchasing forms for internal use

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