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This page contains data, reports, and publications related to those procurements made under the West Virginia Purchasing Division's centralized authority, which utilizes the division's formal purchasing processes as outlined in the West Virginia Code, the West Virginia Code of State Rules, and the Purchasing Division Procedures Handbook.  The information organized here reflects the Purchasing Division's goal of providing transparency to the citizens of the State of West Virginia, our partner state agencies, and our vendor community.  As noted, this page focuses only on the West Virginia Purchasing Division's centralized procurement data.

Please see the selection of available resources below:

Notice of Award Report
The Notice of Award Reports chronologically list contract awards made from solicitations going through the centralized, formal purchasing process (projects expected to exceed $50,000 and all statewide contracts) and awarded through the wvOASIS ERP system.
  Awarded Central Contracts
The Awarded Central Contracts page publishes state contract and change order documents in PDF format that have been completed through the centralized, formal purchasing process and awarded through the wvOASIS ERP system.  If you are an agency or vendor and want a copy of any document, which are organized chronologically, please save and retain for your convenience.
West Virginia Purchasing Bulletin at wvOASIS.gov
The Vendor Self-Service portal to the West Virginia Purchasing Bulletin is used by the state to advertise competitive bidding opportunities expected to exceed $20,000.
Request a Solicitation Request an RFQ
At no cost, request a hard copy of a centralized RFQ listed in the West Virginia Purchasing Bulletin.
Bids Received
View responses received for centralized soliciations organized chronologically by the bid-opening date.
Annual Report
The Purchasing Division's Annual Reports feature a statistical summary of the centralized purchasing process and division program highlights, organized and published by fiscal year.
West Virginia Purchasing Bulletin Archives
The West Virginia Purchasing Bulletin Archives are maintained for the vendor community's reference purposes covering the period of the West Virginia Purchasing Bulletin's online publication period from 2006-2014.
  Legislative Report Index
To facilitate transparency between branches of government, the West Virginia Purchasing Division is posting legislative reports submitted from our division to the West Virginia Legislature.
Emergency Purchase Requests
To provide transparency in spending, the West Virginia Purchasing Division is posting all emergency purchase requests approved from state agencies as of January 1, 2019.
In cases where agencies have requested standardization of certain commodities representing a core function of the spending unit's mission, approvals that have completed the process are published for transparency purposes to show when agencies may specify a brand when procuring that commodity.
  Inspection Report Index
To provide transparency in the state procurement process, the West Virginia Purchasing Division is posting all inspection reports that have been finalized as of April 2, 2018.
West Virginia State Budget Office
The West Virginia State Budget Office provides reports and charts with budgetary information for all branches of state government.



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