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Diane Holley, Editor

The Buyers Network is Published Monthly by the Purchasing Division of the West
Virginia Department of Administration to Promote Better Value in Public Purchasing

Welcome to the December 2004 Issue of the The Buyers Network!

Articles in this Issue:

Fiscal Year 2004 Annual Report
Purchasing Division Accomplishments Filled the 2004 Fiscal Year, Enhancing Efficiency and Customer Service

Director's Comments:
Our Accomplishments Demonstrate Progress

What's State Government Buying?

Exemptions to Vendor Registration Process Outlined

Statewide Contract Spotlight...
Lanier Enjoys Genuine Partnership with West Virginia

Fiscal Year 2004 Purchase Order Summary

Agency Purchasers Benefit from NIGP Seminar Sponsored by Purchasing

MoneyWise...Tips for the Thrifty

Current Statewide Contract Update

Questions?...Just Ask Us!

Fiscal Year 2004 Annual Report
      Purchasing Division Accomplishments Filled the 2004 Fiscal
               Year, Enhancing Efficiency and Customer Service
The BusinessFirst seminars targeted small business representatives offering one-on-one guidance.

When the Purchasing Division prepares its Annual Report, it provides an opportunity to take a look back at the accomplishments made during each fiscal year.

This year included many highlights which enhanced the efficiency of the services provided and improved our customer service, training initiatives and communication efforts.

The following provides a brief overview of a few of our division's accomplishments. For a complete copy of the Purchasing Division's Fiscal Year 2004 Annual Report, visit our website at

Purchasing Division Reorganization

In an attempt to enhance customer service and efficiency in our operation, the Purchasing Division announced changes in its organization, effective June 1, 2004.

A reorganization of the Purchasing Division provides additional opportunities to improve the services we provide to our customers. By reorganizing our division, more attention may be directed at the various aspects of each program and service we offer and the customers for whom we serve.

BusinessFirst Seminars Targets Small Businesses

BusinessFirst, a program which was offered during the month of April was geared toward attracting and informing small businesses on how to do business with state government.

Administered through the New Business Development Office of the Purchasing Division, this seminar series was presented in 15 cities throughout the state. The purpose of this seminar series was to provide assistance and resources to the business community about why and how to conduct business with state government.

Architectural and Engineering Conference

With over 110 representatives of architectural and engineering (A&E) firms and public agencies, the 2003 Architectural and Engineering 5G Conference was conducted on Sept. 30-Oct. 1 in Wheeling.

The Purchasing Division was pleased to have the American Council of Engineering Companies of WV and the American Institute of Architects co-sponsor this endeavor.

§5G of the West Virginia Code addresses the procurement of architectural and engineering services by the state and its political subdivisions.Under Construction...Purchasing Division staff worked among debris from the renovation of the downstairs office space.

Office Space Renovation

The Purchasing Division staff learned quickly the importance of being flexible during the renovation of our office space at 2019 Washington Street, East, in Charleston.

The Purchasing Division had the opportunity to acquire a portion of the second floor of our building. Therefore, plans were quickly developed to determine the most efficient use of this much needed additional space.


Mandatory Fixed Assets Training

The Purchasing Division conducted a mandatory Fixed Assets/Inventory Training Workshop for all designated Agency Inventory Coordinators in Building 17 (First Floor Conference Room) at the State Capitol Complex in late March and early April.

More than 100 agency coordinators attended these training sessions on fixed assets procedures, including the disposition of property and electronic entering of data.

Minority and Small Business Data

The Purchasing Division revised the Vendor Registration and Disclosure Statement forms, WV-1 and WV-1A, in order to begin collecting data on minority and small businesses who register with our division.

In addition to the paper copies available through the Correctional Industries’ printing facility, the revised forms may be accessed electronically at the following websites:

w Division's Internet website (

w Division's Intranet site  (

The change provides the division with the opportunity to collect information relating to the designation of a small business status. The form added a question which requested the applicant to indicate if it is a small business as defined by the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 13, Part 121, as appended.

This code contains detailed industry definitions and related procedures offering the characteristics of the business' control, operation and/or ownership.

The applicant may designate from the following listing:

w Disabled Small Business Ownership

w Minority Small Business Ownership

w Small Business Ownership

w Veteran Small Business Ownership

w Women Small Business Ownership

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The Director's Comments:
             Our Accomplishment Demonstrate Progress

By Dave Tincher
State Purchasing Director

Purchasing Director Dave Tincher

The Purchasing Division strives to make continued improvements to the efficiency of the state's purchasing process.

During the 2004 fiscal year, we made significant changes to our organizational structure in order to make our agency more accessible and responsive to our customer's needs.

Since our customers range from state agency purchasers, vendors to the general public, it is important to view our services from several different perspectives.

From reviewing our accomplishments from this past fiscal year, I am pleased with the progress which our division has made. Our focus on training was apparent throughout this period, with the 2003 Architectural and Engineering 5G Conference, the fixed assets training and the BusinessFirst Seminar Series for small businesses.

I am looking forward to the strides that the Purchasing Division makes during the 2005 fiscal year. With the cooperation from our agency purchasers, the boundaries are endless as to achievements that may be realized.

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What's the State Buying?

(This information is compiled from the West Virginia Purchasing Bulletin. The purpose is to provide an awareness of the variety of products and services being procured in state government. Only a small sample of solicitations are listed.)

w Governor's Office of Technology
Provide and install video conferencing system

Provide pharmacy supplies and services

Provide comprehensive, on-site food service operations

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Exemption to Vendor Registration Process Outlined

According to the Purchasing Division's Policies and Procedures Handbook, vendors doing business with the state of West Virginia must be registered with the Purchasing Division by completing a Vendor Registration and Disclosure Statement (WV-1 or WV1A). This requirement is in accordance with §5A-3-12 of the West Virginia Code. It is the agency’s responsibility to make sure vendors are properly registered with the Purchasing Division prior to issuing a purchase order either verbally or in writing. Vendors on HOLD in TEAM vendor file are not eligible to receive purchase orders for any dollar amount.

There are specific circumstances when entities are not required to register; however, it is not that it is an exemption to vendors, but that these entities are not classified as vendors.

The list below clarifies entities not applicable to the vendor registration process:

w State employees who are seeking reimbursement for expenses incurred

w Teachers participating in Department of Education workshops who are seeking reimbursement for expenses only

w Students of a state college or university who are seeking reimbursement for expenses incurred, tuition and fees, and scholarships and awards

w Member of state boards and commissions for expenses directly incurred as a result of being on a board or commission

w Reimbursement to candidates interviewing for vacant positions within state government

w Reimbursement to property owners for damage to their property caused by bears only

w Flood victims (for DHHR use only)

Please note this list is to be used for clarification purposes only. Further guidance regarding vendor registration procedures may be attained using the Purchasing Division's Policies and Procedures Handbook. You may view this handbook electronically at www.

Questions relating to vendor registration may be directed to your agency procurement officer. Agency procurement officers needing further details may contact Jo Ann Dunlap, Assistant Director, Administration and Inspection Section, at or (304) 558-0059.

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Statewide Contract Spotlight...
       WESCO Keeps the Lights Shining Bright on our Agency Operations

In each issue of The Buyers Network, the Purchasing Division will highlight one of our statewide contractors. Providing information on the company and the products offered on the statewide contract, this feature will help familiarize our agency purchasers with our business partners.

District Manager Gerry Lowe and Major Account Representative Al Spaulding of Lanier proudly pose with a LD 105, a high speed digital printing system.Lanier, formerly known as American Office Systems, has enjoyed a solid working relationship with the state of West Virginia since the early 1970’s. Since 1986, it has serviced statewide contracts, such as the current contract for digital copiers.

In addition to all of West Virginia, Lanier also serves four counties within Ohio and 14 within eastern Kentucky. It's parent company, Lanier Worldwide of Atlanta, Georgia, is owned by the Richo Corp., and is the largest manufacturer of digital office solutions in the world.

Lanier’s focus is not solely on hard-ware, although it continues to furnish a large amount of digital multi-functional devices, such as copier facsimile equipment, color printing systems as well as a complete line of dedicated computer printers.

Since 1986, Lanier has been successful in participating in the statewide contract for copiers. As part of their service to state agencies, their staff works closely with agencies to determine their usage and provides them the contracted product that would best suit their needs.

As part of the new statewide contract for digital copiers, the contract encompasses much more technology. In addition to digital, multi-function products (the traditional walk-up copier) the copiers may be integrated into an existing network or to a single workstation. These stations act as the prep device at a much less cost per page than the traditional printer.

Lanier also has printers on this statewide contract. If the application is for print only, they have two printers on state contract that can provide that need. Need something in color? Lanier offers color printers as well as a two color-enhanced, multi-function product. Lanier's solutions to state agencies have broadened; what this company can offer agencies has nearly doubled as to what it was four months ago under the previous contract.

"Rather than waiting around for an agency's equipment to die or become obsolete like we used to do," said Gerry Lowe, District Manager of Lanier, "we actually engage our customers and prospects into a needs analysis process. We basically perform an analysis of the current technology in an office environment and compare it to the cost and efficiency of technologies that are now available." Lowe said this is much more of a service than just selling copiers like they used to offer state agencies.

Lowe stated that they have a dedicated team at Lanier who serves their state government customers. The sales team, headed by Alton Spaulding who has been with their company for over 25 years, is made up of more than 30 technicians located throughout the state.

For products listed on the statewide contract, please contact:

Patti Dye
Government Contract Administration
1411 Virginia Street, Suite 100
Charleston, WV 25301

(304) 347-2378

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Fiscal Year 2004 Purchase Order Summary

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Agency Purchasers Benefit from NIGP Seminar Sponsored by Purchasing

Agency purchasers learned the importance of striving for excellence at a recent NIGP seminar sponsored by the Purchasing Division.Twenty-three purchasing representatives from state government participated in a course, sponsored by the Purchasing Division, offered by the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, Inc.

"Purchasing Management and the Relentless Pursuit of Excellence" was the topic for the 8-hour course conducted at Mountaineer Race Track and Gaming Center on October 26-27. This class provided credited hours for those agency purchasers who were seeking certification through NIGP. Fred Marks was the instructor for this course.

Great managers believe in excellence and create an environment that cultivates excellence. Some of the objectives of this course was to define the fundamentals of excellence and identify the obstacles in the way. Excellence requires a personal commitment, one of which must be recognized and achieved within a supportive operation.

The participants expressed their eagerness in using the information gained through this course. Below are some ideas or changes the participants indicated they will be able to implement in their workplace from this course:

w Learn what excellence is and what it means to co-workers

w Strive for a better organization in managing purchasing aspects of the job

w Look more at my self-image

w Perform an analysis of subordinates' role and develop a plan for personal/professional growth

w Be more professional with vendors

w Make bosses aware of responsibilities I am required to follow

w Consider body language more in negotiations

w Take a more positive approach on the job

All of the participants (100%) indicated that the content was relevant to their work and that their learning objectives were addressed. In addition, all participants revealed they were motivated and challenged by this seminar.

The Purchasing Division is pleased with the positive response from this course and hopes to offer more professional development opportunities in the future.

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MONEYWISE...Tips for the Thrifty

How to Buy a Good Used Car

State Farm Insurance offers these tips to used car buyers:

• Do your homework. The more you know, the less likely it is that the seller can take advantage of you. Check the NADA Used Car Guide ( to determine the fair market value of the car you want.

• Test-drive the vehicle and have it inspected by a mechanic. A reputable dealer or honest seller shouldn't object.

• Decide how you will pay. If you can't pay in full, decide what down payment you can make and what monthly payment you can afford.

• When financing, check the finance charge and the annual percentage rate (APR) as well as the interest rate on the loan.

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Information and dates (as of November 15, 2004) included in this Current Statewide Contract Update are subject to change. If you need additional information, please contact the appropriate state buyer.

Contracts Awarded

Contract: ALCOHOL
Description: Ethyl Alcohol
Vendor: Aaper Alcohol
Effective Date: 11/15/04

Contract: MV
Description: Motor Vehicles
Vendor: Country Club Chrysler Plymouth Dodge, Hurricane Chevrolet, Inc., Stephens Auto Center, Chenowith Ford, General Truck Sales, Jack Garrett Ford, Whiteside Chevrolet, Glen Dale Motors
Effective Date: 10/15/04

Contracts to be Bid or Under Evaluation

Contract: ROUTER
Description: CISCO Systems Routers/Maintenance
Bid Opening: 09/17/04
Under Evaluation: Yes

Contract: R-SHEET
Description: Reflective Sheeting
Bid Opening: 11/18/04
Under Evaluation: To Open

Contracts Extended

Contract: FINEPAP
Description: Computer Paper
Comments: Extended with Unisource and Zpedx until 12/31/04

Contracts to be Reviewed


Classroom/Meeting Room Furniture

Carpet and Rugs

Safety Equipment

Sanitary Paper Supplies


Paint and Paint Supplies

Purchasing Card Program

Photography Film and Supplies

Temporary Personnel Services

Welding Supplies

Purchasing Division Staff
For questions concerning these contracts listed, please contact the appropriate buyer:

File 21
Charlyn Miller

File 22

File 23
Chuck Bowman

File 31
Evan Williams

File 31
Mike Sheets

File 33
John Johnston

File 41
Ron Price

File 42 
Betty Francisco

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Questions?...Just Ask!

Are you unsure of certain purchasing procedures? ... Do you have a question regarding travel requests? ... Would you want to know what surplus property is available? ... If you need information concerning any function within the Purchasing Division, complete this form:



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Thank you for viewing our December 2004 Issue of The Buyers Network