The Buyers Network is Published Monthly by
the Purchasing Division of the West
Virginia Department of Administration to Promote Better Value in Public Purchasing
Welcome to the April 2003 Issue of the The Buyers Network!
Articles in this Issue:
It's Conference Time!
Gearing Up for the 2003 Agency and Vendor Purchasing Conference & Product Expo
Agency Evaluators Required to Sign a Non-Conflict of Interest Certification
Director's Comments:
It's Just Business as Usual
Surplus Property Public Auction
Cell Phones Attract Various Reactions in Public Places
MONEYWISE...Tips for the Thrifty
Recognition Award Programs Honor Excellence in State Public Service
2003 Year-End Closing Procedures and Timeline for Purchase Orders Detailed
Who's Attending this Year's Purchasing Conference?
Surplus Property Agency Kicks Off its 2003 Public Auction Season
1-2-3-4-5: Just Count to Five
Steps for Coping with Change
Dedicated Buyers Offer One-Stop Service for Larger Departments
Current Statewide Contract Update
It's Conference Time!
Gearing Up for the
2003 Agency and Vendor Purchasing Conference & Product Expo
The Purchasing Division has been talking about its upcoming training event for some time...and finally, it's here!
This year's conference has many changes in store for its participants. What can you expect?
The most noticeable change will be in WHO attends. In the past, the Purchasing Division has offered two separate conferences for our agency purchasers and the vendor community. This year, there will be one conference, offering more workshop sessions, more networking opportunities and valuable peeks into what the market can offer West Virginia state government.
"From the enthusiasm we have received thus far, we are expecting this year's conference to be the best ever," said Purchasing Director Dave Tincher. The vendor participants will be attending the conference from April 7-9, with the agency purchasers arriving on April 8 and departing on April 11.
One of the main attractions to this year's event is the Product Expo-sition, which will provide vendors with an opportunity to showcase products and services that they offer. Agency purchasers will be able to dis-cuss changes and enhancements in various markets and to ask questions to the 'experts' in the field.
Check out next month's issue of The Buyers Network for highlights of the first-ever Agency and Vendor Purchasing Conference & Product Expo!
Agency Evaluators Required to SIgn a Non-Conflict of Interest Certification
Effective immediately, the Pur-chasing Division requires that all evaluators of solicitations, despite the type of transaction, sign a Certification of Non-Conflict of Interest, in accordance with §5A-3-28 of the West Virginia Code.
This Code citation states, "neither the secretary, nor the director nor any employee of the division of purchasing, shall be financially interested, or have any beneficial personal interest, directly or indirectly, in the purchase of any commodities or printing, nor in any firm, partnership, corporation or association furnishing them. Neither the secretary, nor the director nor any employee of the division shall accept or receive directly or indirectly from any person, firm or corporation, known by such secretary, director or employee to be interested in any bid, contract or purchase, by rebate, gift or otherwise, any money or other thing of value whatsoever, or any promise, obligation or contract for future reward or compensation."
By signing this certification, the evaluator(s) and/or advisor(s) attest that they have no conflict of interest, including financial or personal, in the evaluation of the specific solicitation. Please note that this requirement applies to all transaction types.
This certification must be submitted
at the following time frames:w
Requests for Proposals/Expressions of Interests: Agencies must submit this certification with the evaluation and recommendation.w
Requests for Quotations and All Other Transaction Types: The evaluator(s) must sign the Certification for Non-Conflict of Interest and submit, along with the recommendation for award, to the Purchasing Division.This certification applies only to transactions processed through the Purchasing Division. It is not a requirement for agency delegated purchases; however, agencies may adopt this policy at their discretion.
Questions may be directed to Karen Byrd, Acquisition and Contract Administration Director, at (304) 558-4317.
The Director's Comments
It's Just Business As Usual
By Dave Tincher
State Purchasing Director
Business as usual is a commonly used term, both in the public and private sectors. However, when looking at the variety of tasks the Purchasing Division performs and decisions made, affecting most of state government, I find that our business is not very usual at all.
Our name is often misleading: the Purchasing Division. Obviously, we oversee the procurement functions of state government, including the establishment of spending author-ities, rules and procedures by which all state agencies must abide by when spending taxpayers dollars.
In addition, our division does a few other things of interest, such as managing the states central fleet, overseeing state travel, administering the state and federal surplus property programs, maintaining the states physical inventory, encumbering purchase orders, encouraging vendors to do business with the state, and handling parking at the State Capitol Complex. All of these programs and services are completed in a days time business as usual.
Our success can be attributed to many factors. The first point is that the Purchasing Division is fortunate to have efficient managers who are dedicated to making these programs operate smoothly and successfully. Secondly, procedures and guidelines have been established, tested and utilized consistently to provide the foundation for productivity.
And finally, perhaps most importantly, our agency partners have designated individuals who are equally dedicated and efficient in performing these functions. Working together yields a successful outcome.
At the end of the day when we go home, we can kick our feet up in our recliners knowing that we got the job done business as usual.
Surplus Property Public AuctionMark your calendar now... for the next Surplus Property public auction.
The next public auction scheduled by the West Virginia State Agency for Surplus Property is Saturday, April 26.
Contact Surplus Property at 766-2626 for more details or visit its website at
Cell Phones Attract Various
Reactions in Public Places
Our use of cellular telephones in today's business world continues to grow. Surprisingly, where and how we use these phones make a difference to some individuals.
A recent study was conducted relating to the level of acceptability of gabbing on cellular phones at various public places.
The results are fairly predictable:
In the supermarket
In the bathroom
On public transportation
In a restaurant
At a movie/theater
The survey indicates that if you wish to use your cellular telephone, you may want to make that call at a less congested area, where you will not inconvenience others.
- Adapted by BusinessWeek
MONEYWISE...Tips from the Thrifty
New Bandages Can Be PriceyBuying a small bandage isn't simple anymore. Some promise to do more than cover your cut. There are gels, liquids, anti-scar strips, antibiotic, and antibacterial brands. The cost can be up to 20 times that of a regular bandage.
Doctors quoted in The Wall Street Journal say small wounds heal best when kept moist. Now, Band-Aid Advanced and Curad Hydro Heal feature a gel substance originally used by hospitals to seal in moisture. They stay on better and might be worth trying if you have a condition that interferes with healing. Otherwise, at 50 cents each (instead of 5 cents), they might be overkill. Liquid bandages ($1 each) are good for knees, elbows and knuckles where regular adhesive strips don't stick well.
Doctors say if you get a cut, wash it with soap and water, pat dry, apply antibacterial ointment and bandage it to keep the wound moist and clean for a couple of days.
How does the Purchasing Division define 'grants'?
State agencies shall use a grant as the legal instrument reflecting a relationship between state government and a local government or other recipient whenever:
(1) the principal purpose of the relationship is the transfer of money, property, services or anything of value to the local government or other recipient in order to accomplish a public purpose of support or stimulation authorized by federal and/or state statute rather than by acquisition, purchase, lease or barter, of property or services for the direct benefit or use of the state government; and,
(2) no substantial involvement is anticipated between the executive agency acting for the state govern-ment and the local government or other recipient during the performance of the contemplated activity.
We want your questions! Submit your questions via e-mail to Diane Holley at
Award Programs Honor Excellence in State Public Service
Recognizing excellence has become an important part of the tradition of the Purchasing Division's training conferences. Each year, the Purchasing Division announces the recipients of two award programs, the Agency Procurement Officer of the Year and the Partner in Purchasing.
The Agency Procurement Officer of the Year program recognizes individuals who have demonstrated high levels of performance and professionalism. This program provides an avenue for agency procurement officers to nominate co-workers and colleagues who have served as role models in the purchasing profes-sion.
"We initiated this program to not only identify those public procurement officers who are excelling in their profession, but hopefully to inspire others in this field to continue to strive to excel," said Purchasing Director Dave Tincher.
Another recognition program sponsored by the Purchasing Division is the Partner in Pur-chasing program. This award recognizes indivi-duals who have demonstrated high levels of performance and pro-fessionalism in working with various programs administered by our division, including Capitol Parking, Fleet Management, Fixed Assets, Surplus Pro-perty, Automated Purchasing and Travel Management. This program provides an opportunity to applaud the agency coordinators or representatives who work diligently to see these programs succeed.
"The Purchasing Division does more than procure goods and services on behalf of state government," Tincher adds. "We handle inventory management, state travel, Capitol parking, surplus property, manage over 1600 vehicles in the state's fleet and maintain the state purchasing system. We wanted to create a recognition program that addressed these areas."
State agency representatives had the opportunity to nominate individuals from their office. The 2003 recipients will be announced at the Agency and Vendor Purchasing Conference and Product Exposition this month.
The Purchasing Division appreciates the nomination forms completed by state agency representatives and will highlight this year's winners in next month's issue of The Buyer Network.
Our Past Award Winners
Procurement of the Year
Edie Barker (BEP)
Susie Teel (DHHR)
Lt. Col. Jim Powers (State Police)
Jo Miller (DHHR)
Lendin Conway (DEP)
Beverly Carte (DNR)
Ratha Boggess (Treasurer's Office)
Partner in Purchasing
Brent Kessinger (DEP)
Barbara Haddad (IS&C)
Susie Teel (DHHR)
June Casto (DEP)
Requisitions Must Meet Deadline
2003 Year-End Closing Procedures and Timeline for Purchase Orders Detailed
The end of the 2003 fiscal year is approaching. In making this transition, Jo Ann Dunlap, Administration Unit Manager for the Purchasing Division, has offered state agencies a timeline to ensure that all requisitions are expedited prior to the June 30 deadline.
Agencies must submit all expiring requisitions no later than May 1, 2003 to allow ample time to bid, evaluate, award, secure bonds, acquire signatures, encumber and distribute purchase orders by June 30. Expiring requisitions should be clearly marked as "Expiring Funds" in red ink when submitted to the Purchasing Division. Our division will make every effort to expedite all requisitions but will place extra emphasis on processing those with this notation at the end of the fiscal year.
Below is the Purchasing Division time line for year-end closing.
Expiring Accounts
These accounts allow for a 31-day close out period for payment, but purchase orders must be encumbered by June 30. These accounts will be closed on July 31.
May 1
Deadline for expiring requisitions [WV-35] to be submitted to Purchasing and clearly marked as expiring funds. All pre-approvals must be obtained by the agency. Agencies should closely monitor all expiring requisitions being processed in the Purchasing Division and not assume the buyer is aware that the requisition is expiring.
June 9
Deadline for non-bid expiring requisitions to be submitted to Purchasing and clearly marked as expiring funds. After June 9, agencies may walk through expiring requisitions up to 1:00 p.m. on June 30. Please note the Attorney General's approval may be required for processing.
After Purchasing executes the purchase order, the agency is responsible for obtaining all necessary signatures and having all paperwork submitted to the Purchasing Division by 3 p.m. for encumbrance.
Agencies must submit the document to the Auditors Office by 5 p.m. to complete the transaction. This also is the first day that fiscal year 2004 encumbrance documents may be entered into WVFIMS. They may only be approved to the Purchasing Division [Org. 0200].
July 1
First day for the Purchasing Division to electronically approve fiscal year 2004 encumbrance documents to the State Auditors Office until July 1.
Non-Expiring Accounts
June 9
Deadline for fiscal year 2003 encumbrance documents to be submitted to the Purchasing Division. These documents are not to be walked through as expiring requisitions.
It is the responsibility of the agency to obtain all required signatures prior to submitting to the Purchasing Division for processing.
June 23
All encumbrance transactions not processed by this date will be rejected to the agency of origin. In the case of rejected purchase orders, if the agency elects to resubmit this transaction for fiscal year 2004, do not delete the "P" document, but modify it to be funded by fiscal year 2004 accounts and re-approved to Org. 0200.
In the case of a rejected adjustment, if the WVFIMS purchase
order it references has been flagged for rollover, the "X" document must be deleted in order for the rollover process to proceed for that purchase order. Any WVFIMS purchase order with a pending purchase order adjustment at the time of close out/rollover will not have a rollover document created, even if it is flagged for such.If the agency chooses not to delete the rejected "X" document, it would be necessary for the agency to modify the existing purchase order adjustment after the completion of year-end processing to manually rollover the WVFIMS purchase order.
Further, all purchase orders and adjustments must be modified to be funded by fiscal year 2004 accounts and reapproved to Org. 0200 with a status of UP before the Purchasing Division may encumber.
July 1
Agencies may modify any rejected encumbrance document due to year-end processing to reflect the correct fiscal year. Agencies may begin approving fiscal year 2004 transactions.
This is dependent upon approved expenditure schedules being filed with the State Budget Office.
Purchase Order with Start Dates of July 1, 2003
Purchase orders with a July 1, 2003 start date will be held by the Purchasing Division until the funds associated with the contract can be encumbered on WVFIMS for fiscal year 2004.
The scheduled date for encumbrance of these funds is July 1, 2003.
Who's Attending this Year's Purchasing Conference? Don't Be the One Left One!
Are you interested in learning more about who is planning to attend our upcoming Agency and Vendor Purchasing Conference at Lakeview Resort this month? We've got the information... right at your fingertips!
Visit our conference website at /conference/2003 and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click on the link to view the vendor and agency attendees.
This is the first year that the Purchasing Division has combined the agencies and vendors in one training event. We look forward to seeing our agency and vendor partners this month!
Surplus Property Agency Kicks Off
its 2003 Public Auction Season
Over 650 people registered for Surplus Property's first absolute public auction in 2003 on March 15 at its location at 2700 Charles Avenue in Dunbar, West Virginia.
For upcoming auction sale dates, visit Surplus Property's website at
1-2-3-4-5: Just Count to Five: Steps for Coping with Change
Finding effective ways of dealing with uncertainty can go a long way toward keeping you on track.
Quoted in Corporate & Incentive Travel magazine, recognized problem-solvers give this advice:
Ignore those who say it won't work, and stay positive. Whether the change is in a process or in a program, people in every kind of business have had to make the "back to the drawing board" decision, coped with it, moved on, and were better off for doing so.2.
Keep your sense of humor, no matter what. One of the most difficult aspects of change is coping with the details. Don't let the small stuff get you down.3.
Get prepared. Take time to decide what kind of background information you will need, and find it. Remember that every kind of business is making basic changes now, so you aren't alone.4.
Look for the silver lining. You will learn more with any change, and some problems you had before will be solved by doing things the new way.5.
Take time to relax before a meeting and at the end of the day. It's important. Take 20 minutes before going to bed to read or to relax with television. It will help you to realize that there is more going on in the world.Dedicated Buyers Offer One-Stop Service for Larger Departments
The Purchasing Division processes millions of dollars in purchase orders every year. Seven individuals within our division serve as buyers, procuring goods and services expecting to exceed $10,000 on behalf of West Virginia state agencies.
In most cases, the buyers are assigned certain commodities and services to procure. However, with two of our buying staff, their assignments are based on the specific agency.
John Johnston and Pam Jones are dedicated to a specific agency. John processes all purchases for the Division of Highways [DOH] and Pam focuses her attention on transactions made by the Department of Health and Human Services [DHHR]. These state agencies compensate the Purchasing Division for these services offered.
The Purchasing Division is dedicated to working hard to meet the needs of state agencies. This program provides partnering agencies with individual, specialized attention. Its a quicker and more efficient way of doing business and the results have proven to be a win-win solution.
"The advantage of obtaining a dedicated buyer is that your purchases are top priority for that buyer," said Johnston. "Youre always number one in terms of getting work processed and you have the same contact person for everything."
The Purchasing Division has been offering a dedicated buyer to the Division of Highways since 1987. "It has been very helpful to have one individual handle the majority of our purchases over $10,000," said Sue Farley, Procurement Supervisor for the Division of Highways. "John is familiar with the organization of the department and the products being procured."
The Department of Health and Human Resources implemented the dedicated buyer agreement with the Purchasing Division in February of 2002. Pam Jones agrees that having one contact in our division is a definite plus for DHHR. Dennis Meadows, Director of Purchasing for DHHR, stated that the dedicated buyer concept was initiated from a management teams request to find alternative methods of processing transactions through the Purchasing Division.
"The dedicated buyer allows the departments purchasing staff the ability to increase their productivity. The buyer becomes more familiar with the ins and outs of the purchasing needs and requirements of our department," Meadows said.
The Purchasing Division is pleased with the services it can offer to agencies through the dedicated buyer program. It plans to continues to look at areas to make pos
itive improvements, with assistance from the participating state agencies.
Information and dates (as of March 16, 2003) included in this Current Statewide Contract Update are subject to change. If you need additional information, please contact the appropriate state buyer.
Contracts to be Bid or Under Evaluation
Contract: OFFICEContract: CLRM
Description: Classroom/Meeting Room Furniture
File: 42
Bid Opening: 02/19/03
Under Evaluation: Yes
Contracts to be Renewed
Contract: LGLOVESContract: ALUM
Description: Aluminum Coil and Flat Sheets
File: 33
Vendor: Vulcan Signs
Expiration Date: 02/28/04
Contracts Extended
Contract: IPContract:
Description: Information Processing Temporary Service
File: 21
Comments: Extended until 06/30/03
Contract: CARPET
Description: Carpet and Rugs
File: 42
Comments: Extended until 04/30/03
File 21: ROUTER
Cisco Systems Routers/Maintenance
File 22: WATERT
Water Treatment Chemicals
File 22: BARSOAP
Bar Soap
File 22: DFS
Disposable Food Service
File 22: FASTEN
File 42: BEDDING
Mattresses, Box Springs and Pillows
File 21: SATFile 22: LAUNDRY
Laundry Materials
File 22: WIPING
Wiping Cloths
File 22: ABSORB
Liquid Spills
File 31: LS
Chemical Glassware
File 33: DC BATT
Dry Cell Batteries
File 33: OIL
Lubricants and Oils
File 42: CEREAL
Cereal and Breakfast Foods
Purchasing Division Staff
For questions concerning these contracts listed, please
contact the appropriate buyer:
File 21
Charlyn Miller
File 22
Pam Jones
File 23
Chuck Bowman
File 31
Evan Williams
File 33
John Johnston
File 41
Ron Price
File 42
Betty Francisco
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Are you unsure of certain purchasing procedures? ... Do
you have a question regarding travel requests? ... Would you want to know what surplus
property is available? ... If you need information concerning any function within the
Purchasing Division, complete this form:
Thank You for Viewing our April 2003 Issue of The Buyers Network