The Buyers Network is Published
Monthly by the Purchasing Division of the West
Virginia Department of Administration to Promote Better Value in Public Purchasing
Welcome to the December 2001 Issue of the The Buyers Network!
Articles in this Issue:
Reflecting Upon the Division's Achievement Accomplished During the Past Fiscal Year
Director's Comments:
Executive Order Affects the State's Vehicle Fleet
Area Prepared for Temporary Parking
Steps in Overcoming Information Overload
Fiscal Year 2001 Purchase Order Summary
Surfing the Internet Can benefit the Agency Purchaser in Gaining Valuable Information
MONEYWISE...Tips for the Thrifty
Political Subdivisions Authorized to Utilize the Surplus Property Auction Process
Economic Outlook Positive for Spring
Purchasing Division Produces Videotape to Address Best Value Purchasing Guidelines
Vendor Performance Monitored by the Purchasing Division
Current Statewide Contract Update
Let's Take
a Closer Look...
Reflecting Upon the Division's Achievements
Accomplished During the Past Fiscal Year
The Purchasing Divisions 2001 Annual Report was recently distributed, highlighting the accomplishments made during the 2001 fiscal year. Great strides were taken in the areas of communication, procedural clarification and training.
"Our division has reviewed many of our processes and questioned the efficiency of each," said Purchasing Director Dave Tincher. "We have examined more expeditious ways for more effective resolutions and, as a result, have made positive changes affecting the purchasing process."
Following is a brief overview of the accomplishments included in this Annual Report:
Agency Meetings
Purchasing Director Dave Tincher and Assistant Director Curt Curtiss began
conducting meetings in March of 2001 with various officials from agencies that purchase a
high volume of products and services. The goal of these meetings is to discuss current
issues of importance and provide problem resolution on particular situations pending.
According to an evaluation of those individuals attending these meetings, nearly 95
percent indicated that their level of satisfaction was high. All of the respondents (100
percent) noted that they found the meetings beneficial.
Best Value Purchasing
Recent changes have been made to the Best Value Purchasing process, resulting in revisions
to the Purchasing Division Policies and Procedures Handbook. The standard format for
opening responses to a Request for Proposal (RFP) changed to a two-part process. A more
thorough evaluation of proposals has been implemented.
New Business Development
The Purchasing Division has become proactive in the development of new
businesses participating in the state bidding process.
Focusing primarily on West Virginia businesses, Scott Padon, the divisions new
business development manager, is working closely with the Small Business Development
Centers. In a cooperative effort, meetings have been conducted to explain the changes that
have occurred that will ease doing business with the state.
Customer Relations
To provide improved customer service, the Purchasing Division changed how
certain services are offered. The goal was to make our employees more accessible and
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our services. Telephone coverage improved and
work hours were extended until 5:00 p.m.
Recognition Awards
Recognizing excellence in state government, the Purchasing Division continues
to honor two individuals annually at its Agency Purchasing Conference, the Agency
Procurement Officer of the Year and the Partner in Purchasing.
Training Conferences
The Purchasing Division conducts two training conferences during the fiscal
year for West Virginia vendors and state agency purchasing personnel, respectively.
The general accomplishments listed above are only a few of the many advancements that were made within the Purchasing Division. Each unit has noted its own achievements in the Annual Report which has enhanced the programs and services offered by the division. For a copy of the Purchasing Divisions Annual Report, please contact Diane Holley at (304) 558-0661 or via e-mail at
Beginning in October, a weekly electronic mail message is being distributed, offering status infor-mation on contracts processed within the Purchasing Division. If you would like to be added to this electronic distribution list, please visit our Intranet site at
Executive Order Affects the State's Vehicle FleetBy Dave Tincher
State Purchasing Director
Governor Bob Wise recently signed an executive order to limit the use of state-owned vehicles and reduce the current fleet of cars by at least 10 percent. This action is expected to save more than $17.8 million over the next four years.
The Fleet Management Program was assessed several months ago in regard to the process used to manage the fleet of vehicles used by state government. This reduction is in response to the outcome of this study.
Gov. Bob Wise has ordered his appointees not to use state cars to commute from their homes to their jobs, except in special cir-cumstances. Each agency also is required to offer a plan of reduc-tion that will result in a 10 percent cut.
By reducing the fleet, Gov. Wise indicated that more state resources could be used for other purposes. His plan also included:
Obtain vehicles at the lowest possible cost;w
Use multi-state and multi-agency cooperative purchasing;w
Establish comprehensive policies for the purchase of vehicles and fuel;w
Create a management system for vehicle inventory;w
Implement a statewide pool;w
Create an online reporting venue for misuse of vehicles;w
Provide driver education and training.
As more details become available on the changes in the Fleet Management Program, information will be reported in upcoming issues of The Buyers Network.
Prepared for Temporary Parking
As a result of the recent demolition of houses on Washington Street, temporary parking soon will be available across the street from the Purchasing Divisions office. This area is scheduled to be paved this month and spaces will be allocated accordingly to state employees.
Steps in Overcoming
Information Overload
At times, dont you wonder if there is just TOO much information? Information processing accounts for half the gross national product, and most of it ends up on paper that someone has to read.
Below are five steps which may help in becoming a picky information consumer:
STEP 1. Dont read everything that comes to you.
You simply cant absorb everything.STEP 2. Assess your information sources.
Decide which sources of information are essential to your job.STEP 3. Scan for information.
Look through the table of contents and then scan for topics and article summaries.STEP 4. Use your highlighter.
Once you read an article, underline any information you may want to refer to later.STEP 5. Be an example.
Keep your e-mails short and let others know they should make theirs as concise as possible.
Fiscal Year 2001
Purchase Order Summary
Surfin the
Internet Can Benefit the Agency
Purchaser in Gaining Valuable Information
During the Agency Purchasing Conference in October, a workshop called Introduction to Purchasing, targeted agency purchasers new to state government. A panel of Purchasing buyers provided general information on policies and procedures, and shared useful tips for those in attendance.
Buyer Jim Jackson offered a handout that listed helpful websites pertaining to the purchasing function. Following is information found online for your benefit:
State of West Virginia
Locates Purchasing Division Homepage and provides information on
purchasing procedures, forms and personnel.
Unemployment Compensation and Workers' Compensation
Provides a convenient method of checking on vendors compliance
with Workers Compensation Program.
Reverse Telephone Directory
Assists in locating names, addresses and telephone numbers.
Thomas Register
Provides a list of various manufacturers and items.
State of West Virginia Government Telephone Directory
Locates department, names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail
WV Division of Labor Wage Rates
Offers current wage rates for each county within the state of West
Internet Search Engine
Provides information on various commodities.
Internet Search Engine
Searches the Yellow Pages by commodity classification.
State of West Virginia Recycling Directory
Locates a variety of recycled products.
Purchasing Forms
Provides various forms including Vendor Registration, Agreement
Addendum, No Debt Affidavit and Resident Vendor Preference.
Freight Terms and Conditions
Provides definitions of FOB terms and conditions.
for the Thrifty
Borrowing Against Equity
In 1980, Americans owned an average of 70 percent of the value of their homes. This percentage has dropped to 55 percent in the last decade.
The most common form of borrowing is home refinance. A larger new mortgage pays off the original loan and provides cash to the borrower. The monthly payment rises, but the interest rate might be lower than on the first mortgage.
Some owners take a home equity loan. The size of an average home equity loan grew to an average of $34,318 last year, according to the Consumer Bankers Association.
The advice of financial experts is to not take this kind of loan to pay off credit cards. They carry an invitation to charge again. Rather, pay bills with current income and learn budgeting and impulse control.
Subdivisions Authorized to Utilize
the Surplus Property Auction Process
As part of the strategic goals initiated by the Purchasing Division, the West Virginia State Agency for Surplus Property recently explored the idea of extending the public auction process to political subdivisions including, but not limited to, municipalities, fire departments, county commissions and public service districts.
After reviewing the benefits and drawbacks of such a venture and ensuring that this extension was legally possible in accordance with the West Virginia Code, Surplus Property has begun selling commodities that are no longer needed by the political subdivision entity utilizing the absolute auction process.
In addition to promoting goodwill between the state and its political subdivisions, this extension also allows such entities to maximize their returns on items no longer needed. A large percentage of the profits of the items high bid is reim-bursed to the political subdivision.
"By expanding the auction process to political subdivisions, it is a win-win solution," said Surplus Property Manager Ken Frye. "Surplus Property has the opportunity to offer its customers more of a selection, while political subdivisions can dispose of property they no longer need in an effective, profitable manner."
For additional information on how political subdivisions may participate in the public auction process, please contact Ken Frye toll-free at 1-800-576-7587.
Future Looks Bright...
Outlook Positive for Spring
The impact of recent events ripples through the economy, affecting businesses in many ways. Economic experts quoted in The Kiplinger Letter indicate that a new economic growth can be expected this spring. Recovery is predicted to be strong by mid year.
In the meantime, the Kiplinger editors say the greatest economic risk currently is overreaction by consumers and businesses. Many people are making decisions not based on their own situations and cutting back in anticipation of possible effects from someone elses distress. However, many households and businesses are doing quite well and are able to stay the course, maintain their spending and, in some cases, boost it. More good news is that experts also are predicting a nice rise in the stock market just before the economic rise.
Soda Card Convenient
Single Parent Car Trips
Driving to Grandmas house during the holidays can be a trial for a
single parent traveling by car with children. Here are some tips:
Limit luggage if you are the only one handling it. (Even small kids can carry their clothes in a backpack).
wTake a pal along in case you have trouble on the road.
wAllow plenty of extra travel time.
wHave toys or other diversions available to entertain the kids.
New Terminal at NY Airport
A snazzy new International Arrivals Building (Terminal 4) has brought
style back to one of the most important international gateways in the U.S., New
Yorks John F. Kennedy Airport. The steel and glass structure has 40-ft. ceilings,
Mongolian granite floors, colorful artwork and architecture. Builders say it offers a
place people might come to for fun, not just for an airplane flight.
Purchasing Division
Produces Videotape to
Address Best Value Purchasing Guidelines
Lights...Camera... ACTION! The Purchasing Division is producing a videotape on Best Value Purchasing to be used by agency purchasers.
Since June of 2001, a class is held at the Purchasing Division Conference Room twice monthly to offer information on this topic. As a requirement for Request for Proposal evaluation members, training must be taken in order to learn more about the purchasing process and criteria evaluation. By making this videotape available, many evaluators can benefit from viewing this informa-tion at their convenience.
"Training is a key element in the purchasing process," said Purchasing Director Dave Tincher. "It is crucial that members of Request for Proposal evaluation teams have a good understanding of the process and their role. This videotape was produced to not only alleviate the training schedule offered in-house, but to share the information more efficiently among individuals who will be participating in this Best Value Purchasing process."
Utilizing the services of Educational Network located at West Virginia State College in Institute, the videotape is approximately one hour and features the same information which is offered live at the Purchasing Division by Assistant Director Curt Curtiss.
Such areas of the Best Value Purchasing process which are addressed include:
w Requests for Proposals
w Expressions of Interest
w Design Build Projects
w Life Cycle Costing
w Grounds Rules
w Selection and Role of Evaluation Committee
w Purchasing Division's Role
w Evaluation Process
To learn more about obtaining a copy of this training videotape, please contact Diane Holley at (304) 558-0661 or via electronic mail at
Good News or
Bad...We Want to Hear About it!
Scenario: You order products from a vendor for which you have a contract and the delivery is late or does not arrive at all. You contact the vendor numerous times and are dissatisfied with the results. The problem is documented in writing to the vendor with no results. What should you do?
Resolution: Once you have expended all resources and attempts to resolve the problem, complete a Vendor Performance Form (WV-82).
Vendor performance and product quality are crucial in the state purchasing process. When certain factors do not meet expectations, agencies are encouraged to contact the vendor and voice their concerns. Complaints should be resolved expeditiously and courteously, preferably by the state agency.
There are several misconceptions about the use of the Vendor Performance Form. First and foremost, this scenario focuses on a negative experience with the vendor. The Vendor Performance Form also may be used for positive comments about a vendor.
Secondly, after all attempts have failed by the agency to resolve the issues (verbal and written correspondence), the complaint should immediately be referred to the Purchasing Division using the Vendor Performance Form, documenting all steps taken to try to resolve the problem and all written vendor responses.
Thirdly, even when a resolution is reached, the agency should submit the Vendor Performance Form noting all pertinent information. There is a section on this form which asks if the situation is resolved or unresolved.
For more information on vendor performance, please contact Karen Byrd, External Relations Manager, at 558-4317.
Current Statewide Contract Update
Information and dates (as of November 15, 2001) included in this Current Statewide Contract Update are subject to change. If you need additional information, please contact the appropriate state buyer.
Contracts to be Awarded
Contract: ALCOHOL
SUPFDContracts to be Bid or Under Evaluation
PCContracts to be Renewed
Contracts to be Reviewed
File 22: SOAP
Liquid Soap and Dispenser
File 31: PHOTO
File 33: R-TIRES
File 33: WELD
File 42: RIB
File 42: LIGHT
File 21: DATA
Key Punch Services
File 22: CONKIT
File 22: DFS
File 31: LGLOVES
File 31: TRAVEL
Purchasing Division Staff
For questions concerning these contracts listed, please contact the appropriate buyer:
File 21
Charlyn Miller
File 22
Pam Jones
File 31
Evan Williams
File 33
John Johnston
File 41
Ron Price
File 42
Jim Jackson
Are you unsure of certain purchasing procedures? ... Do you need to know
what printing services Consolidated Publishing Facility provides? ... Do you have a
question regarding travel requests? ... Would you want to know what surplus property is
available? ... If you need information concerning any function within the Purchasing
Division, complete this form:
Thank You for Viewing our December 2001 Issue of The Buyers Network