WV.gov | Administration | Purchasing  |  Technical Services Unit  |  Transparency  |  Notice of Award Report

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Notice of Centralized Award Report

In order to facilitate the transparency of procurement in the State of West Virginia, please find below a listing of contracts awarded by the West Virginia Purchasing Division.  This listing includes contract awards made by the West Virginia Purchasing Division through the formal purchasing process where amounts are expected to exceed $25,000 in value.

The Notice of Award Report does not constitute an official purchase order.  Vendors should not act until they receive a signed, encumbered award document executed by the State of West Virginia.  On an individual Notice of Centralized Award Report, in the "Actual Amount" column, a value of $0.00 dollars denotes an open-end contract.

Since the implementation of the wvOASIS system on July 8, 2014, a solicitation number is a different number from the eventual purchase order number for a given transaction.  As a result, the solicitation number appearing in the West Virginia Purchasing Bulletin is different than the purchase order or contract number later generated with the award document.  Both the solicitation and award document numbers appear in the Notice of Award Report.

Below please see a key to the abbreviations contained within the Notice of Centralized Award Report.

Abbreviation Definition
CRFP Centralized Request for Proposal
CRFQ Centralized Request for Quotations
CMA Centralized Master Agreement
CPO Centralized Purchase Order
CCT Centralized Contract Term
January 12/27/2023 - 01/02/2024 July 06/27/2024 - 07/03/2024
  01/03/2024 - 01/09/2024   07/04/2024 - 07/10/2024
  01/10/2024 - 01/16/2024   07/11/2024 - 07/17/2024
  01/17/2024 - 01/23/2024   07/18/2024 - 07/24/2024
      07/25/2024 - 07/31/2024
  01/24/2024 - 01/30/2024 August 08/01/2024 - 08/07/2024
February 01/31/2024 - 02/06/2024   08/08/2024 - 08/14/2024
  02/07/2024 - 02/13/2024   08/15/2024 - 08/21/2024
  02/14/2024 - 02/20/2024   08/22/2024 - 08/28/2024
  02/21/2024 - 02/27/2024    
March 03/05/2024 - 03/11/2024 September 08/29/2024 - 09/04/2024
  03/12/2024 - 03/19/2024   09/05/2024 - 09/11/2024
  03/20/2024 - 03/26/2024   09/12/2024 - 09/18/2024
      09/19/2024 - 09/25/2024
April 03/27/2024 - 04/03/2024 October 09/26/2024 - 10/02/2024
  04/04/2024 - 04/10/2024   10/03/2024 - 10/09/2024
  04/11/2024 - 04/17/2024   10/10/2024 - 10/16/2024
04/18/2024 - 04/24/2024  
May 04/25/2024 - 05/01/2024 November  
  05/02/2024 - 05/08/2024    
  05/09/2024 - 05/15/2024    
  05/16/2024 - 05/22/2024    
  05/23/2024 - 05/29/2024    
June 05/30/2024 - 06/05/2024 December  
  06/06/2024 - 06/12/2024    
  06/13/2024 - 06/19/2024    
  06/20/2024 - 06/26/2024    
January 12/28/2022 - 01/03/2023 July 06/28/2023 - 07/04/2023
  01/04/2023 - 01/10/2023   07/05/2023 - 07/11/2023
  01/11/2023 - 01/17/2023   07/12/2023 - 07/18/2023
  01/18/2023 - 01/24/2023   07/19/2023 - 07/25/2023
  01/25/2023 - 01/31/2023 August 07/26/2023 - 08/01/2023
February 02/01/2023 - 02/07/2023   08/02/2023 - 08/08/2023
  02/08/2023 - 02/14/2023   08/09/2023 - 08/15/2023
  02/15/2023 - 02/21/2023   08/16/2023 - 08/22/2023
  02/22/2023 - 02/28/2023   08/23/2023 - 08/29/2023
March 03/01/2023 - 03/07/2023 September 08/30/2023 - 09/05/2023
  03/08/2023 - 03/14/2023   09/06/2023 - 09/12/2023
  03/15/2023 - 03/21/2023   09/13/2023 - 09/19/2023
  03/22/2023 - 03/28/2023   09/20/2023 - 09/26/2023
April 03/29/2023 - 04/04/2023 October 09/27/2023 - 10/03/2023
  04/05/2023 - 04/11/2023   10/04/2023 - 10/10/2023
  04/12/2023 - 04/18/2023   10/11/2023 - 10/17/2023
04/19/2023 - 04/25/2023 10/18/2023 - 10/24/2023
May 04/26/2023 - 05/02/2023 November 10/25/2023 - 10/31/2023
  05/03/2023 - 05/09/2023   11/01/2023 - 11/07/2023
  05/10/2023 - 05/16/2023   11/08/2023 - 11/14/2023
  05/17/2023 - 05/23/2023   11/15/2023 - 11/21/2023
  05/24/2023 - 05/30/2023   11/22/2023 - 11/28/2023
June 05/31/2023 - 06/06/2023 December 11/29/2023 - 12/05/2023
  06/07/2023 - 06/13/2023   12/06/2023 - 12/12/2023
  06/14/2023 - 06/20/2023   12/13/2023 - 12/19/2023
  06/21/2023 - 06/27/2023   12/20/2023 - 12/26/2023
January 12/29/2021 - 01/04/2022 July 06/29/2022 - 07/05/2022
  01/05/2022 - 01/11/2022   07/06/2022 - 07/12/2022
  01/12/2022 - 01/18/2022   07/13/2022 - 07/19/2022
  01/19/2022 - 01/25/2022   07/20/2022 - 07/26/2022
February 01/26/2022 - 02/01/2022 August 07/27/2022 - 08/02/2022
  02/02/2022 - 02/08/2022   08/03/2022 - 08/09/2022
  02/09/2022 - 02/15/2022   08/10/2022 - 08/16/2022
  02/16/2022 - 02/22/2022   08/17/2022 - 08/23/2022
March 02/23/2022 - 03/01/2022   08/24/2022 - 08/30/2022
  03/02/2022 - 03/08/2022 September 08/31/2022 - 09/06/2022
  03/09/2022 - 03/15/2022   09/07/2022 - 09/13/2022
  03/16/2022 - 03/22/2022   09/14/2022 - 09/20/2022
  03-23-2022 - 03/29/2022   09/21/2022 - 09/27/2022
April 03/30/2022 - 04/05/2022 October 09/28/2022 - 10/04/2022
  04/06/2022 - 04/12/2022   10/05/2022 - 10/11/2022
04/13/2022 - 04/19/2022 10/12/2022 - 10/18/2022
  04/20/2022 - 04/26/2022   10/19/2022 - 10/25/2022
May 04/27/2022 - 05/03/2022 November 10/26/2022 - 11/01/2022
  05/04/2022 - 05/10/2022   11/02/2022 - 11/08/2022
  05/11/2022 - 05/17/2022   11/09/2022 - 11/15/2022
  05/18/2022 - 05/24/2022   11/16/2022 - 11/22/2022
  05/25/2022 - 05/31/2022   11/23/2022 - 11/29/2022
June 06/01/2022 - 06/07/2022 December 11/30/2022 - 12/06/2022
  06/08/2022 - 06/14/2022   12/07/2022 - 12/13/2022
  06/15/2022 - 06/21/2022   12/14/2022 - 12/20/2022
  06/22/2022 - 06/28/2022   12/21/2022 - 12/27/2022
January 12/30/2020 - 01/05/2021 July 06/30/2021 - 07/06/2021
  01/06/2021 - 01/12/2021   07/07/2021 - 07/13/2021
  01/13/2021 - 01/19/2021   07/14/2021 - 07/20/2021
  01/20/2021 - 01/26/2021   07/21/2021 - 07/27/2021
February 01/27/2021- 02/02/2021 August 07/28/2021 - 08/03/2021
  02/03/2021 - 02/09/2021   08/04/2021 - 08/10/2021
  02/10/2021 - 02/16/2021   08/11/2021 - 08/17/2021
  02/27/2021 - 02/23/2021   08/18/2021 - 08/24/2021
March 02/24/2021 - 03/02/2021   08/25/2021 - 08/31/2021
  03/03/2021 - 03/09/2021 September 09/01/2021 - 09/07/2021
  03/10/2021 - 03/16/2021   09/08/2021 - 09/14/2021
  03/17/2021 - 03/23/2021   09/15/2021 - 09/21/2021 
  03/24/2021 - 03/30/2021   09/22/2021 - 09/28/2021 
April 03/31/2021 - 04/06/2021 October 9/29/2021 - 10/05/2021
  04/07/2021 - 04/13/2021   10/06/2021 - 10/12/2021
  04/14/2021 - 04/20/2021   10/13/2021 - 10/19/2021
  04/21/2021 - 04/27/2021   10/20/2021 - 10/26/2021
May 04/28/2021 - 05/04/2021 November 10/27/2021 - 11/2/2021
  05/05/2021 - 05/11/2021   11/3/2021 - 11/9/2021
  05/12/2021 - 05/18/2021   11/10/2021 - 11/16/2021
  05/19/2021 - 05/25/2021   11/17/2021 - 11/23/2021
June 05/26/2021 - 06/01/2021   11/24/2021 - 11/30/2021
  06/02/2021 - 06/08/2021 December 12/01/2021 - 12/07/2021
  06/09/2021 - 06/15/2021   12/08/2021 - 12/14/2021
  06/16/2021 - 06/22/2021   12/15/2021 - 12/21/2021
  06/23/2021 - 06/29/2021   12/22/2021 - 12/28/2021
January 1/01/2020 - 1/07/2020 July 7/1/2020 - 7/7/2020
1/08/2020 - 1/14/2020 7/8/2020 - 7/14/2020
  1/15/2020 - 1/21/2020   7/15/2020 - 7/21/2020
  1/22/2020 - 1/28/2020   7/22/2020 - 7/28/2020
February 1/29/2020 - 2/4/2020 August 7/29/2020 - 8/4/2020
  2/5/2020 - 2/11/2020   8/5/2020 - 8/11/2020
  2/12/2020 - 2/18/2020   8/12/2020 - 8/18/2020
  2/19/2020-2/25/2020   8/19/2020 - 8/25/2020
March 2/26/2020 - 3/3/2020 September 8/26/2020 - 9/1/2020
  3/4/2020 - 3/10/2020   9/2/2020 - 9/8/2020
  3/11/2020 - 3/17/2020   9/9/2020 - 9/15/2020
  3/18/2020 - 3/24/2020   9/16/2020 - 9/22/2020
  3/25/2020 - 3/31/2020   9/23/2020 - 9/29/2020
April 4/1/2020 - 4/7/2020 October 9/30/2020 - 10/6/2020
  4/8/2020 - 4/14/2020   10/7/2020 - 10/13/2020
  4/15/2020 - 4/21/2020   10/14/2020 - 10/20/2020
  4/22/2020 - 4/28/2020   10/21/2020 - 10/27/2020
May 4/29/2020 - 5/5/2020 November 10/28/2020 - 11/3/2020
  5/6/2020 - 5/12/2020   11/4/2020 - 11/10/2020
  5/13/2020 - 5/19/2020   11/11/2020 - 11/17/2020
  5/20/2020 - 5/26/2020   11/18/2020 - 11/24/2020 
June 5/27/2020 - 6/2/2020 December 11/25/2020 - 12/1/2020
  6/3/2020 - 6/9/2020   12/2/2020 - 12/8/2020
  6/10/2020 - 6/16/2020   12/9/2020-12/15/2020
  6/17/2020 - 6/23/2020   12/16/2020 - 12/22/2020
  6/24/2020 - 6/30/2020   12/23/2020 - 12/29/2020
January 12/26/2018 - 01/01/2019 July 6/26/2019 - 7/02/2019 
1/02/2019 - 1/08/2019 7/3/2019 - 7/9/2019
  1/09/2019 - 1/15/2019   7/10/2019 - 7/16/2019
  1/16/2019 - 1/22/2019   7/17/2019 - 7/23/2019
  1/23/2019 - 1/29/2019   7/24/2019 - 7/30/2019
February 1/30/2019 - 2/5/2019 August 7/31/2019 - 8/6/2019
  2/6/2019 - 2/12/2019   8/7/2019 - 8/13/2019
  2/13/2019 - 2/19/2019   8/14/2019 - 8/20/2019
  2/20/2019 - 2/26/2019   8/21/2019 - 8/27/2019
March 2/27/2019 - 3/5/2019 September 8/28/2019 - 9/3/2019
  3/6/2019 - 3/12/2019   9/4/2019 - 9/10/2019
  3/13/2019 - 3/19/2019   9/11/2019 - 9/17/2019
  3/20/2019 - 3/26/2019   9/18/2019 - 9/24/2019
April 3/27/2019 - 4/2/2019 October 9/25/2019 - 10/1/2019 
  4/3/2019 - 4/9/2019   10/2/2019 - 10/8/2019
  4/10/2019 - 4/16/2019   10/9/2019 - 10/15/2019
  4/17/2019 - 4/23/2019   10/16/2019 - 10/22/2019
  4/24/2019 - 4/30/2019   10/23/2019 - 10/29/2019
May 5/1/2019 - 5/7/2019 November 10/30/2019 - 11/5/2019
  5/8/2019 - 5/14/2019   11/6/2019 - 11/12/2019
  5/15/2019 - 5/21/2019   11/13/2019 - 11/19/2019
  5/22/2019 - 5/28/2019   11/20/2019 - 11/26/2019
June 5/29/2019 - 6/4/2019  December 11/27/2019 - 12/3/2019
  6/5/2019 - 6/11/2019   12./4/2019 - 12/10/2019
  6/12/2019-6/18/2019   12/11/2019 - 12/17/2019
  6/19/2019 - 6/25/2019   12/18/2019 - 12/24/2019
      12/25/2019 - 12/31/2019

January 12/27/2017 - 1/2/2018 July 6/27/2018 - 7/3/2018
  1/3/2018 - 1/9/2018   7/4/2018 - 7/10/2018
  1/10/2018 - 1/16/2018   7/11/2018 - 7/17/2018
  1/17/2018 - 1/23/2018   7/18/2018 - 7/24/2018
  1/24/2018 - 1/30/2018   7/25/2018 - 7/31/2018
February  1/31/2018 - 2/6/2018 August 8/1/2018 - 8/7/2018 
  2/7/2018 - 2/13/2018   8/8/2018 - 8/14/2018
  2/14/2018 - 2/20/2018   8/15/2018 - 8/21/2018
  2/21/2018 - 2/27/2018   8/22/2018 - 8/28/2018
March 2/28/2018 - 3/6/2018 September 8/29/2018 - 9/4/2018
  3/7/2018 - 3/13/2018   9/5/2018 - 9/11/2018
  3/14/2018 - 3/20/2018   9/12/2018 - 9/18/2018
3/21/2018 - 3/27/2018 9/19/2018 - 9/25/2018
April 3/28/2018 - 4/3/2018 October 9/26/2018 - 10/2/2018
  4/4/2018 - 4/10/2018   10/3/2018 - 10/9/2018
  4/11/2018 - 4/17/2018   10/10/2018 - 10/16/2018
4/18/2018 - 4/24/2018 10/17/2018 - 10/23/2018
May 4/25/2018  - 5/1/2018   10/24/2018 - 10/30/2018
5/2/2018 - 5/8/2018 November 10/31/2018 - 11/06/2018
  5/9/2018 - 5/15/2018   11/7/2018 - 11/13/2018
5/16/2018 - 5/22/2018 11/14/2018 - 11/20/2018
5/23/2018 - 5/29/2018 11/21/2018 - 11/27/2018
June 5/30/2018 - 6/5/2018 December 11/28/2018 - 12/4/2018
6/6/2018 - 6/12/2018 12/5/2018 - 12/11/2018
6/13/2018 - 6/19/2018 12/12/2018 - 12/18/2018
6/20/2018 - 6/26/2018 12/19/2018 - 12/25/2018


January 12/28/2016 - 1/3/2017 July 6/28/2017 - 7/4/2017
  1/4/2017 - 1/10/2017   7/5/2017 - 7/11/2017
  1/11/2017 - 1/17/2017   7/12/2017 - 7/18/2017
  1/18/2017 - 1/24/2017   7/19/2017 - 7/25/2017
  1/25/2017 - 1/31/2017 August 7/26/2017 - 8/01/2017
February 2/1/2017 - 2/7/2017    8/2/2017 - 8/8/2017
  2/8/2017 - 2/14/2017   8/9/2017 - 8/15/2017
  2/15/2017 - 2/21/2017   8/16/2017 - 8/22/2017
  2/22/2017 - 2/28/2017   8/23/2017 - 8/29/2017
March 3/1/2017 - 3/7/2017 September 8/30/2017 - 9/5/2017
  3/8/2017 - 3/14/2017   9/6/2017 - 9/12/2017
  3/15/2017 - 3/21/2017   9/13/2017 - 9/19/2017
3/22/2017 - 3/28/2017 9/20/2017 - 0/26/2017
April 3/29/2017 - 4/4/2017 October 9/27/2017 - 10/3/2017
  4/5/2017 - 4/11/2017   10/4/2017 - 10/10/2017
  4/12/2017 - 4/18/2017   10/11/2017 - 10/17/2017
4/19/2017 - 4/25/2017 10/18/2017 - 10/24/2017
May 4/26/17 - 5/2/2017   10/25/2017 - 10/31/2017
  5/3/2017 - 5/9/2017 November 11/1/2017 - 11/7/2017
  5/10/2017 - 5/16/2017   11/8/2017 - 11/14/2017 
5/17/2017 - 5/23/2017 11/15/2017 - 11/21/2017
5/24/2017 - 5/30/2017 11/22/2017 - 11/28/2017
June 5/31/2017 - 6/6/2017 December 11/29/2017 - 12/5/2017
6/7/2017 - 6/13/2017 12/6/2017 - 12/12/2017
6/14/2017 - 6/20/2017 12/13/2017 - 12/19/2017
6/21/2017 - 6/27/2017 12/20/2017 - 12/26/2017


January 12/30/2015 - 1/05/2016 July 6/29/2016 - 7/5/2016
  1/06/2016 - 1/12/2016   7/6/2016 - 7/12/2016
  1/13/2016 - 1/19/2016   7/13/2016 - 7/19/2016
  1/20/2016 - 1/26/2016   7/20/2016 - 7/26/2016
February 1/27/2016 - 2/2/2016 August 7/27/2016 - 8/2/2016
  2/3/2016 - 2/9/2016   8/3/2016 - 8/9/2016
  2/10/2016 - 2/16/2016   8/10/2016 - 8/16/2016
  2/17/2016 - 2/23/2016
  8/17/2016 - 8/23/2016
March 2/24/2016 - 3/1/2016   8/24/2016 - 8/30/2016
  3/2/2016 - 3/8/2016 September 8/31/2016 - 9/6/2016
  3/9/2016 - 3/15/2016   9/7/2016 - 9/13/2016
  3/16/2016 - 3/22/2016   9/14/2016 - 9/20/2016
  3/23/2016 - 3/29/2016   9/21/2016 - 9/27/2016
April 3/30/2016 - 4/5/2016 October 9/28/2016 - 10/4/2016
  4/6/2016 - 4/12/2016   10/5/2016 - 10/11/2016
  4/13/2016 - 4/19/2016   10/12/2016 - 10/18/2016
  4/20/2016 - 4/26/2016   10/19/2016 - 10/25/2016
May 4/27/2016 - 5/3/2016 November 10/26/2016 - 11/1/2016
  5/4/2016 - 5/10/2016   11/2/2016 - 11/8/2016
  5/11/2016 - 5/17/2016   11/9/2016 - 11/15/2016
  5/18/2016 - 5/24/2016   11/16/2016 - 11/22/2016
  5/25/2016 - 5/31/2016   11/23/2016 - 11/29/2016
June 6/1/2016 - 6/7/2016 December 11/30/2016 - 12/6/2016
  6/8/2016 - 6/14/2016   12/7/2016 - 12/13/2016
  6/15/2016 - 6/21/2016   12/14/2016 - 12/20/2016
  6/22/2016 - 6/28/2016 12/21/2016 - 12/27/2016
January 12/31/2014 - 1/06/2015 July 7/01/2015 - 7/07/2015
  1/07/2015 - 1/13/2015   7/08/2015 - 7/14/2015
  1/14/2015 - 1/20/2015   7/15/2015 - 7/21/2015
  1/21/2015 - 1/27/2015   7/22/2015 - 7/28/2015
February 1/28/2015 - 2/03/2015 August 7/29/2015 - 8/04/2015
  2/04/2015 - 2/10/2015   8/05/2015 - 8/11/2015
  2/11/2015 - 2/17/2015   8/12/2015 - 8/18/2015
  2/18/2015 - 2/24/2015   8/19/2015 - 8/25/2015
March 2/25/2015 - 3/03/2015 September 8/26/2015 - 9/01/2015
  3/04/2015 - 3/10/2015   9/02/2015 - 9/08/2015
  3/11/2015 - 3/17/2015   9/09/2015 - 9/15/2015
  3/18/2015 - 3/24/2015   9/16/2015 - 9/22/2015
  3/25/2015 - 3/31/2015   9/23/2015 - 9/29/2015
April 4/01/2015 - 4/07/2015 October 9/30/2015 - 10/06/2015
  4/08/2015 - 4/14/2015   10/07/2015 - 10/13/2015
  4/15/2015 - 4/21/2015   10/14/2015 - 10/20/2015
  4/22/2015 - 4/28/2015   10/21/2015 - 10/27/2015
May 4/29/2015 - 5/05/2015 November 10/28/2015 - 11/03/2015
  5/06/2015 - 5/12/2015   11/04/2015 - 11/10/2015
  5/13/2015 - 5/19/2015   11/11/2015 - 11/17/2015
  5/20/2015 - 5/26/2015   11/18/2015 - 11/24/2015
June 5/27/2015 - 6/02/2015 December 11/25/2015 - 12/01/2015
  6/03/2015 - 6/09/2015   12/02/2015 - 12/08/2015
  6/10/2015 - 6/16/2015   12/09/2015 - 12/15/2015
  6/17/2015 - 6/23/2015   12/16/2015 - 12/22/2015
6/24/2015 - 6/30/2015 12/23/2015 - 12/29/2015



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