August 18, 2005

Charleston, West Virginia

The State Personnel Board met on August 18, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. to conduct business and to consider other administrative matters. Present at the meeting were Board members Robert Ferguson, Jr., Chairman, Sharon Lynch, and Eugene Stump. Absent was Board member Reverend Paul J. Gilmer. Member Elizabeth D. Walker participated by telephone. Others in attendance were: Willard M. (Max) Farley, Acting Director of the Division of Personnel; Assistant Directors Tim Basford, Tari McClintock Crouse, and Evelyn Davis; and, Shelly Lowery, Secretary to the Board.


The minutes of the July 21, 2005 meeting had been sent to the members of the Board prior to the meeting. Chairman Ferguson asked for any additions or corrections. There being none, Ms. Lynch moved the minutes be accepted. Mr. Stump seconded the motion. The July 21, 2005 minutes were approved by unanimous consent.


Upon motion of Mr. Stump, seconded by Ms. Lynch, the State Personnel Board approved the addition of proposal #2298 to the agenda.



Insurance Commission

Upon motion of Ms. Lynch, seconded by Mr. Stump, the State Personnel Board approved proposal #2298 which was modified as follows:

(1) The Board approved a policy-making exemption for the Consumer Assistance Director position which will oversee the current Consumer Services Division.

(2) The Board removed the policy-making exemption for the current Consumer Services Division Director since that position will report to the Consumer Assistance Director and thus no longer meet the criteria for policy-making. The classified position of Insurance Program Manager can be used in place of the current Consumer Services Division Director position, permitting the reinstatement of the employee in the current policy-making position to the classified service.

(3) The Board approved an increase in the pay grade for Insurance Program Manager from 16 ($29,160 - 53,952) to 18 ($33,396 - 61,788).

These actions are all effective September 1, 2005. Tim Basford, Assistant Director of Classification and Compensation, presented the proposal.


Division of Highways

Upon motion of Mr. Stump, seconded by Ms. Walker, the State Personnel Board approved proposal #2307 (amended), adding the Transportation Worker 4 classification to the classes eligible for the special hiring rate and the geographic salary differential approved for the Transportation Worker class series at the June 23, 2005 meeting. As with the original proposal, the hiring rate and salary differential apply only to Transportation Worker 4 employees working in Berkeley, Jefferson, and Morgan counties and are effective retroactive to July 1, 2005, the effective date of the original proposal. Tim Basford, Assistant Director of Classification and Compensation, presented the proposal.


Upon motion of Mr. Stump, seconded by Ms. Lynch, the State Personnel Board approved proposal #2322, implementing an across-the-board salary adjustment of $75 per month ($900 per year) for full-time classified employees of the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department and a $.25 per hour adjustment for exempt employees for fiscal year 2006 in accordance with Section 5.4 (f)(4) (Pay Differentials) of the Division of Personnel Administrative Rule. The payment is subject to the restrictions and conditions noted in the proposal. Tari McClintock Crouse, Assistant Director of Employee Communications and Information presented the proposal.


Upon motion of Ms. Lynch, seconded by Ms. Walker, the State Personnel Board approved proposal #2323, as modified, establishing the classifications of Homeland Security Grant Manager at pay grade 20 ($38,244 - 70,752); Homeland Security Grant Monitor at pay grade 14 ($25,452 - 47,088); and, Homeland Security Training and Exercise Coordinator at pay grade 14 ($25,452 - 47,088). The proposal was modified insofar as the requested title of Homeland Security State Administrative Agency Director - Point of Contact was changed to Homeland Security State

Administrative Director and established at the requested pay grade of 22 ($43,800 - 81,036). The proposed title of Homeland Security Accountant/Auditor 3 was denied as the classification of

Accountant/Auditor 3 already exists in the requested pay grade. Since these positions will be part of the Cabinet Secretary’s office, they are exempt by statute. Mr. Terry Miller, a representative of Cabinet Secretary Spears of the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety, asked that these actions be effective September 1, 2005. The Board had no objection. Ms. Lynch requested copies of the job descriptions for the aforementioned new classifications. Tim Basford, Assistant Director of Classification and Compensation, presented the proposal.


Division of Corrections

Upon motion of Mr. Stump, seconded by Ms. Walker, the State Personnel Board approved proposal #2324, modified as follows: (1) establishing a special hiring rate of $2,000 above the minimum rate for Probation and Parole Officers 1, 2, and 3; (2) providing a $2,000 salary adjustment for employees in the Probation and Parole Officer 1, 2, and 3 classes and the Corrections Program Manager 1 and 2 job classes in Parole Services; and, (3) providing a $1,000 salary adjustment for employees in the Hearing Examiner, Secretary 1 and the Office Assistant 1, 2, and 3 job classes in the Parole Services Section. These actions are effective October 1, 2005 and are contingent on the Division’s receipt of funding authorization. Tim Basford, Assistant Director of Classification and Compensation, presented the proposal.


Division of Protective Services

Upon motion of Ms. Lynch, seconded by Ms. Walker, the State Personnel Board approved proposal #2325, establishing the classification of Security Systems Manager in the classified-exempt service at pay grade 16 ($29,160 - 53,952). The proposal was modified to the extent that the title was revised from Systems Administrator to Security Systems Manager. Tim Basford, Assistant Director of Classification and Compensation, presented the proposal.


Organ Donation Interpretive Rule

Upon motion of Ms. Lynch, seconded by Ms. Walker, the State Personnel Board approved the request for filing a notice of public comment on the proposed Organ Donation Interpretive Rule with the Secretary of State’s Office in accordance with the provisions of W.V. Code §29A-3-1 et seq.

Supervisor/Manager Training Program (DOP-P18)

Upon motion of Mr. Stump, seconded by Ms. Walker, the State Personnel Board approved a revision of the Supervisor/Manager Training Program policy. The revisions reflect efforts to assure that managers and supervisors have access to, and take advantage of, training opportunities. The revisions also reflect the Division of Personnel’s position that appropriate training provides a foundation for sound decisions by managers and supervisors who must be held accountable for their actions. A discussion was held regarding the ramifications of changes to the current language of the supervisor/manager training policy.

Other Matters

Chairman Ferguson noted that the Division had received a copy of the resignation letter of Reverend Paul J. Gilmer sent to Governor Manchin. He indicated that steps would be taken to fill the vacancies on the Board.

Chairman Ferguson made the following statement, “Before we adjourn I just want to say that, as a Cabinet Secretary, I chair three Boards and I sit on about a half a dozen more. I just want to say to the Department of Personnel how much I personally appreciate and how much our state professionally benefits from your fine service of duty. I find none of my other departments are as organized and as well written and on top of the game as you guys. If all my departments were that way my golf game would be great because I wouldn’t have to come to work, so thank you.”

With no further business, Chairman Ferguson adjourned the meeting.


The next state Personnel Board meeting is scheduled for September 15, 2005, at 2:00 p.m. in Building 6, Room B-425, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, West Virginia.


Robert Ferguson, Jr., Chairman
State Personnel Board

Shelly Lowery, Secretary

State Personnel Board